
Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.Section B (1a-1d导学案)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:69次 大小:22111Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版英语八年级下册第10单元Section B (1a-1d)导学案 关于资料的使用说明:该资料以课本内容为主线,包含单词过关、短语突破、语法简单讲解和少量练习巩固,是同学们课前前预习的助手,也可以作为教师的教学参考,欢迎下载! Unit 10 I’ve had this book for three years Section B (1a-1d) 预习目标: 1、通过预习,熟悉表示地点的单词,巩固表示方位的介词短语的运用以及there be句型。 2、通过预习,学会谈论自己家乡的建筑物和一些特别之处。 学习重难点: 重点能够正确运用there be句型以及表示方位的介词短语谈论家乡的建筑物。 2、难点是听清楚听力所反映出来的内容。 预习导学: 1a Check (√) the places or things you can find in your town or city. ____ a museum (博物馆) ____ a primary school(小学) ____ a bridge (桥) ____ a zoo (动物园) ____ a park (公园) ____ a hill (小山) ____ a library (图书馆) ____ a river (小河) 认识以上地点,用there be 句型、表示方位的介词短语描述它们的位置。 例如:1.There is a museum on Green Street near my house. 2. The museum is between the primary school and the library. (可能用到的介词短语:on , between…and… , in front of , behind , next to , across from, near) 学生造句练习:1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 1b Listen and answer the questions. 1. Does Martin like Jenny’s hometown _____ 2. Does Jenny still live in her hometown _____ 3. What is behind the science museum What do people do there on weekends _____ 先弄懂三个问句的含义:1、马丁喜欢珍妮的家乡吗? 2、珍妮还住在她的家乡吗? 3、科学博物馆后面是什么? 人们周末在那儿做什么? 第一句和第二句是一般疑问句,用yes或者no回答,听清楚内容后用Does来回答。 第三句,询问科学博物馆后面是什么?人们周末经常在那里做什么? 参考答案: 1.Yes, he does. 2. No, she doesn’t. 3. A big park. People go there to let their kids run around and climb the hills. 1c Listen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jenny’s hometown. Place New or old How long has it been there town library science museum restaurant down the street 参考答案: Place New or old How long has it been there town library old for hundreds of years science museum new since last August restaurant down the street old for as long as Jenny can remember 练习巩固:(根据听力内容完成表格后,根据表格内容填空。) Jenny’s hometown is really beautiful.She’s been away for the past few years bue she still loves her hometown.Look at that building , it’s one of the oldest buildings in the town , it’s now the town library and it’s 1._____ , it has been around for 2._____ .And next to the library , it’s a 3._____ science museum , it’s only been here 4._____ . And if you are hungry , you can have lunch at the 5._____ down the street.And it’s been around 6._____.It serves the best food in town. 参考答案: old 2.hundreds of years 3.new 4.since last August restaurant 6.for as long as Jenny can remember 注意:since和for的用法区别(可以从意思上加以区别———since表示“自从”,for意思是“长达”)。例如: I’ve had this bike for three years.= I’ve had this bike since three years ago. They have learnt English for five years.= They have learnt English since five ... ...

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