
Unit1 Wise men in history VocabularyandPre-reading课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:90次 大小:10340127Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 九年级上册—牛津沪教版—英语—第一单元 Wise men in history Unit 1 Vocabulary & Pre-reading 学习目标 了解本单元学习的话题和大概内容。 掌握中外历史上智者名字的英文读法,以及其基本信息和贡献,从中拓展关于职业等的词汇,如:mathematician, physicist等。 了解和掌握介绍名人的几个角度。 了解古希腊文明和古中国文明,加深对中国历史文化的了解。 The Trojan War The story of 100,000 arrows Stories about wisdom Wise men in history Aristotle / r st t l/ 亚里士多德 Confucius /k n'fju s/ 孔子 Socrates / s kr ti z/ 苏格拉底 Zhu Geliang 诸葛亮 Zu Chongzhi 祖冲之 Plato / ple t / 柏拉图 ancient China ancient Greece ancient China ancient Greece one of the four great ancient civilizations n. 文明 / s v la ze n/ They are famous for their wisdom. Four great inventions in ancient China printing papermaking gunpowder compass ancient China ancient Greece one of the four great ancient civilizations n. 文明 / s v la ze n/ the ancient Olympics / l mp ks/ n. 奥运会运会 希腊神话 They are famous for their wisdom. the Olympic Games the modern Olympics the Olympic Games the modern Olympics were first held in Greece in 1896 every four years the Olympic Flame, the Olympic Torch the ancient Olympics 奥运圣火 ? 奥运火炬 ancient China ancient Greece one of the four great ancient civilizations n. 文明 / s v la ze n/ the ancient Olympics / l mp ks/ n. 奥运会运会 希腊神话 They are famous for their wisdom. Guessing game ancient China lived in the 6th century BC Confucius' teacher “The highest good is like that of water.” Daodejing Who are they Laozi Many people have found inspiration (n. 启发) in this book. 上善若水。 before century 公元前 ancient Chinese thinker is described as the “second Sage (亚圣)” is famous for his theory about human nature believed that man's nature is basically good Who are they Mencius /men s/ 孟子 620 BC - 564 BC ancient Greece a story teller Some of the tales widely told are The Farmer and the Viper, The Fox and the Crow and The Tortoise and the Hare. Who are they Aesop / i s p/ 伊索 Aesop's Fables 《伊索寓言》 《农夫和蛇》 《狐狸和乌鸦》 《龟兔赛跑》 970 BC - 931 BC a king of Israel United Kingdom 以色列联合王国 is famous for his wisdom built the famous Judaism temple (犹太教圣殿) Who are they King Solomon / s l m n/ 所罗门王 Archimedes /ɑ k mi di z/ 阿基米德 All study but no thinking makes people puzzled. All thinking but no study makes people lazy. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth. Confucius Socrates / s kr ti z/ Famous sayings from the wise men Laozi the principle of the lever 杠杆原理 Archimedes (287 BC - 212 BC) was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer. One of his achievements to Physics is an explanation of the principle of the lever. How can we introduce a wise man briefly 阿基米德 jobs / titles birth & death achievements ... ...

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