
北师大版七年级英语下册 Unit1_Lesson1_Period1精品教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:36次 大小:44032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 Lesson1 Period1精品教案 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 辨认并准确说出本课所学新词汇; 2. 通过听获取Steve周一至周五课余时间从事各种活动的相关细节信息; 3. 依据获取的信息,口头描述Steve周一至周五课余时间从事的各种活动; 4. 归纳、细化对话信息,初步了解频度副词在对话中的含义。 教学过程 教学活动 设计意图 互动 模式 &时间 Getting Ready Step 1 ·T asks Ss to look at the pictures on the screen, and leads in the topic of this unit. ·Let the students Look at the table and help them review some Key phrases ·Ss work in pairs and tell his or her partner his or her routines and complete the table . Say sentences like this:I make my bed in the morning.I play football in the afternoon.. 1. 导入本单元话题,激发学生对话题的兴趣。 2. 激活学生已有的描述日常活动的动词短语,为课堂最后的输出做准备。 CW PW 8’ Pre-listening Step 2 Warm- Up · T shows pictures and help students learn some new words and phrases· Ss work in pairs, and describe pictures · Ss share their description of pictures in class. 1.学生通过图片认识学习新词汇和短语。2.用重点单词来描绘图片,为听力话题做初步的预热。 PW CW 7’ 1’ Step 3 · Ss look at the table, and guess What is the table about 听前预测。通过预测,激发学生听的兴趣。 While-listening Step 4 The first listening. Let Ss listen to the dialogue and then answer the question:What are the men talking in the dialogue The second listening. Let the Ss listen to the dialogue two times and then complete Steve’s schedule..Ss check the answers in pairs, and then in class.The third listening.Ask Ss circle the letters on the survey..Ask the students to change their answers and then correct the answers.The fourth listeninglisten to the dialogue again and answer the questions1.When does Steve play basketball 2.What doesn’t Steve do on Wednesday 3.Who does Steve study with .Ask the students to read the dialogue after the recorder 1. 通过第一遍听,回答问题同时核查预测是否准确。 2. 通过第二遍听,获取有关Steve的课余生活的细节信息,完成表格填写任务并引导学生内化表格中的主要信息和语言。3. 通过第三遍听,引导学生完成对该对话信息表中频度副词的选择,从而初步获取频度副词在句中的含义和用法。 4.通过第四遍听,引导学生回答问题,从而帮助学生内化对话内容。5. 通过听和跟读,学生模仿对话人物的语音语调,进一步内化对话信息和语言。 IW PW CW 17’ Post-listening Step 5 After the listening.Ss work in pairs, and try to role-play the dialogue.. Ss can use the table in the textbook as a reminder, but Ss are not allowed to look at the typescripts of the dialogue when role-playing. 分角色朗读, 不断内化对话信息,为口语输出做铺垫。借助表格,分角色进行对话练习。 PW CW 12’ Homework 1.两人一组分角色背记对话。 2. 假如你是Steve请运用所学知识结合本课对话内容独立描述自己周一至周五的课余生活。 1 / 4 ... ...

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