
人教版四年级下Unit 6 Part A let’s talk教学设计

日期:2024-05-04 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:87次 大小:51059Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Part A Let's talk教学设计 汉滨区五里镇民主学校 张丽娟 教学目标: Be able to listen and speak:“A:Are they... B:Yes,they are.\No,they aren't”and“How many ...do you have ”.(能听懂,会说两大句型结构:“A:Are they... B:Yes,they are.\No,they aren't”和“How many ...do you have ”) Be able to read and understand the dialogue.(能读懂并理解let's talk的对话内容。) Be able to use the sentence structures.(能运用重点句型结构“Are they...?和How many... ”进行情景对话。) 教学重点: Are they... 和How many... 在情景交际中的灵活运用。 教学难点: 名词horse,goat,donkey,hen,cow,sheep的复数读音规则。 教学流程: 课前预习:(自学指导) Try to pronounce the following words:sheep,goats,donkeys,hens,cows,horses.(拼读以上名词复数感受发音规则。) Be able to find out the following sentences:"Are they.. " and "How many..do you have"in the dialogue ,circle them.(找出含有"Are they.. " 和"How many..do you have"的句子划下来,并尝试理解) Be able to draw a picture of animals .(准备一张农场上动物的图画) Be able to try to read the dialogue.(尝试将对话内容读下来) (设计意图:任务1,将课内出现的难点转移到课前,留有充足的自学时间。任务2,将课内重点转移到课前,对教学重点有所预设。任务3,既是课堂教具的准备又能提高学生学习的兴趣。任务4,学生提前对课文的感知) 课前检查: The group leader checks out if the students have previewed and make a report.(组长检查学生是否预习,并作好记录,及时评价) The teacher checks out preparation before class.(教师检查课前预习,提出预习补救) (设计意图:通过抽查,检查的方式,使预习工作能够落到实处,达到课前预习的目的。同时,抽查情况也可反映在自学过程中存在的问题) 课堂展示: 、预习展示: 1、下列名词所相对应的复数。 Cow sheep horse Donkey apple orange 2、Can you read these words (尝试拼读单词,教师正音,适当予以鼓励和表扬) Cows ,sheep,horses, hens,donkeys,goats 3、Can you find out these sentence structures:"Are they.. " and "How many..do you have"in the dialogue 成果1、A:Are they sheep B:No,they aren't. horses B:No,they aren't. Donkeys B:Yes,they are. (将对话中含有"Are they.. " 的句子找出来,并一一板书) 成果2、A:How many cows do you have B:One hundred.(板书并正音) (设计意图:任务1,既是对名词复数的复习,又是对新单词的巩固。任务2、强化学生对单词复数读音规则的认识。任务3,既理清了本课时的知识点,又是对重难点的初步认识。) 探究展示: Can use :"Are they... "in the dialogue. Show a picture of farm, and ask: A:Are they sheep B:No,they aren't. ...... A:Are the donkeys B:Yes,they are. (出示农场的图片,做问答练习,强化学生Yes和No的正确回答) take out your pictures and make a dialogue with your partner one by one. S1:Are they goats S2:Yes,they are. Are they sheep S3:No,they aren't. Are they pig ...... (取出自己准备好的图片,与同学们做对话练习,一个接一个) Take out some books ,pens,pencils,apples and ask: A:How many books do I have B:Ten. A::How many pens do I have B:Five. ..... (利用教师提供的教具,做How many books do I have?的会话练习) Make a dialogue with: A:Are they … B:Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.(They are .…) A:How many … do y ... ...

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