
小学英语PEP四年级下unit6 At the farm Part A & B [ let’s learn & let’s talk]

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:75次 大小:6870090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件41张PPT。At a farm Let’s get on the bus and go to Old MacDonald ’s farm.This is old Macdonald. He owns a big farm. There are many animals on the farm.There are more and more animals at the farm.MacDonald is very busy. He needs some help! Listen and Guess What’s this? It’s a ….pigWhat are they?look!They are pigs.sListen and Guess What’s this? It’s a ….duckWhat are they?look!They are ducks.sListen and Guess What’s this? It’s a ….horsehor --seThey areWhat are they? horses.What are they?look!They are horses.shenWhat is it?It’s a .henhen --Read more words with en penendhenbenhenWhat are they?They are .s Feed the hens.feedseesheep/i:/meetone sheep,five sheep,six sheep,seven sheepfour,three sheep,two sheep,sheep sheeps √ ×Shear a sheep.sheep sheep sheep’s family father sheepmother sheep? sheep’s family lambfather sheepmother sheepWhat are they?They are .lamb sHold a lamb.lamb lamb.It’s a ___.What is it ?It’s an animal. It’s black and white. We can get milk from it.cowmilkcowow --cau[ ]a goatWhat are they ?They are goats.henshorsescowslambssheepgoatsLet’s play games: What can you see? If you can , Please say it loudly.cowsheephenscowssheepgoatshengoathorseshorsehenshenslambgoatslambgoatcowshorseslambhorsegoatshensheepcowsheephenscowssheepgoatshengoathorseshorsehenshenslambgoatslambgoatcowshorseslambhorsegoatshensheepWhat are they?henscowshorseslambssheepgoatsWhat can you do on the farm?Look, count and say._____ horses _____ cows _____ sheep _____ goats _____ lambs _____ hensfivethreefivetwothreethreeLook! This is my farm. I have ….Welcome to my farm. They are horses. They are lambs They are ducks. Look at the hens,they are fat.Group work1、Read P70。读70页所学内容。 2、Design your own farm and talk about it in groups. 设计自己的农场,在小组里介绍一下。Homework:

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