
基础模块上册Unit8 Brave it out-Reading课件(23张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:76次 大小:27851063Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Is Life Fair Unit8 Reading 1.Everyone thinks that life is fair for him/her. 2.Life is full of challenges. 3.Patrick gave up his study for many years ,but later he continued to finish school. 4.It was difficult for Patrick to study. 5.Parick couldn’t walk after an accident. Activity 1 Scanning F T F T T One day, a friend of mine asked me a question, 我的一个朋友 “Do you agree with the idea that life is fair “ 同意 His question was a good one. It reminded me of something 使我想起一些事情 a teacher said when I was a high school student-- “Life isn‘t fair”. We usually think that life should be fair, but we sometimes feel sorry for ourselves. In fact, life is not fair 为自己而遗憾 事实上 and will not be fair. Language Points 1. ①agree with sb 同意某人的意见 ②agree with sth 同意;赞同... 我们同意我们老师的意见。 We agree with our teacher. 我同意你的答案。 I agree with your answer. ③agree to do 同意做某事 We agreed to go shopping together. Language Points 2. Do you agree with the idea that life is fair 在英语中有些名词(如:news/hope/idea/fact等), 常用名词+that+句子来指代这些名词的内容,这样的从句叫作同位语从句。 She was happy to hear the news that she passed the exam. The fact that we lost the game was true. Language Points 3. ①remind sb of sth 使某人想起某物 The pictures reminded me of my hometown. ②remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 Mother reminded me to get up on time. 4. feel sorry for sb 为某人感到遗憾或难过 我为你感到遗憾。 I feel sorry for you. Life is full of challenges. School is the most 充满 在青年人的生活 challenging place in the life of youth today. When we say that life isn‘t fair, we mean everyone is different. We look different and have different experiences. We can’t expect life to be perfect. Life is what we make it. 期待生活是完美的 表语从句 5. be full of =be filled with 充满,盛满,装满 The bus is full of people. Her eyes are filled with tears. 6. experience n.经验(不可数),经历(可数) experienced adj.有经验的 He is an experienced teacher. He has much experience in teaching. Please tell me about your experiences in Africa. Language Points 7. expect sb. to do sth 期望某人做... I expect all of you to study hard. My mother expected me to study in a good university. Language Points Patrick is an American-born Chinese. When he was thirteen years old, he broke, his neck was broken in an accident. Since then he has been in a wheelchair. 在事故中 自那时起 在轮椅上 But he never gave up and went on to finish school. 放弃 继续完成学业 He knew that a good education was his 良好的教育 only way to success and independence。 通往..的途径 8. give up doing 放弃做某事 He gave up smoking at last. 9. go on to do 继续做另一件事 go on doing 继续做原来的事 After he finished writing the letter he went on to read the text yesterday . Let's go on talking about our plan. Language Points For Patrick, studying was hard. But he overcame a lot of difficulties and became 克服许多困难 the best ... ...

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