
选必一 Unit 4 Exploring poetry Grammar and Usage (II) 教案.

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:47次 大小:1205248Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 选必一U4 Grammar and usage (II)教案 Overview of to-infinitives, verb-ing and verb-ed form 教学目标: By the end of this section, students will be able to:21世纪教育网版权所有 1.identify and cate gorize the use of to-infinitives, verb-ing, and verb-ed forms; 2.summarize the gene ral rules of to-infinitives, verb-ing, and verb-ed forms; 3.use the right forms of to-infinitives, verb-ing, and verb-ed to finish tasks such as rewriting sentences, completing and article and writing on the importance of reading poems.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 教学重难点: 1.To summarize the general rules; 2.To apply the rules correctly and properly. 教学过程: Step 1 Homework Checking C.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.21教育网 1.to run 2.Approaching 3.to be discovered 4.Having struggled 5. seen 6. cleaning/to be cleaned 7. lost 8. Judging 9. telling 10. to have Step 2 Rewrite the following sentences using to-infinitives, verb-ing or verb-ed forms 1.Romantic poets exper imented with new poetic forms. They were particularly interested in it. 2-1-c-n-j-y Romantic poets were particularly interested in experimenting with new poetic forms.21*cnjy*com 2.Romantic po ets often mentioned the effect of beauty on the poet’s imagination when they described natural scenes. 【出处:21教育名师】 Romantic poets o ften mentioned the effect of beauty on the poet’s imagination when describing natural scenes. 3.Poems that focus on nature often stress the moment of inspiration. Poems focusing on nature often stress the moment of inspiration. 4.Many Romantic poems are filled with descriptions of magic and ancient themes, and contain rich sensory details. 21教育名师原创作品 Filled with descr iptions of magic and ancient themes, many Romantic poems contain rich sensory details. 【版权所有:21教育】 5.Since Romant ic poets were highly colourful and independent individuals, finding concerns common to all of them is sometimes difficult. Since Roma ntic poets were highly colourful and independent individuals, it is sometimes difficult to find concerns common to all of them.21·世纪*教育网 Step 3 Exercise B2 Below is an ar ticle about the English poet Willian plete the article with the correct to-infinitives, verb-ing or verb-ed forms of verbs in the brackets.21*cnjy*com Born in 1770, Will ian Wordsworth was one of the (1) _____ (lead) poets of the Romantic movement in England. (2) _____ (grow) up in the beautiful Lake District, Wordsworth had a childhood that was perfect for a developing poet. (3) _____ (educate) at Cambridge, Wordsworth received his degree in 1791. He spent a lot of time (4) _____ in Europe. Travelling obviously provided Wordsworth with plenty of ideas for his poems. In 1795, he met Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the two talented young men became close friends. (5) _____ (meet) Coleridge had a huge impact on Wordsworth. Lyrical Ballads, a collection of poems (6) _____ (write) together with Coleridge, was Wordsworth’s first gr ... ...

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