
Module 8 Unit 1 It’s on your desk 课件+素材(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:52次 大小:14143113Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 It’s on your desk. Module 8 ? 卧室 玩具 盒子 在……下面 在....后面 学了哪些单词 under behind for toy 火眼金睛 bedroom box 行驶的每一辆小车有一个单词,看到单词之后,快速读出。 Listen, point and find “in, on, behind, under”. 1 Oh, what’s this A present for you. It’s in the box. It’s on your desk. It’s behind the door. It’s under your chair. It’s in your bedroom. Happy birthday to you! Wow! Ha ha… Watch and answer the questions. 2 1.How many (多少)letters ? 2. Where is Daming's present Five . In the bedroom. Where's Daming 's present It’s ____ the box. It’s ____ your desk. It’s _____ the door. It’s _____ your chair. It’s _____ your bedroom. in on behind under in Game time : ( 拿出自己的玩具或者身边的物品,小组之间一个藏玩具,一个猜。用上所学的句型。) Where 's the +____ It 's +____the +____. Homework 1. 画一个盒子,并用所学介词标注。 2 .同桌之间互相询问自己的学习用品的位置。 Thank you

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