
仁爱版英语七下 Unit 8 Topic 1 What's the weather like in summer Section C 导学案与练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:82次 大小:97844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit 8 Topic 1 Section C导学案与练习(有答案) 课前导纲   一、词汇初探。 单词闯关 1.假期 n. _____ 2.旅行,旅游 v.&n. _____ 3.伞 n. _____ 4. shorts n. _____ 5. wear v. _____( 变为过去式) 6. shine v. _____(变为过去式) 7. 澳大利亚 n. _____ 8. most det. & pron. _____ 9. sun n. _____ 10.叶子 n. _____(变为复数) 11. wind n. _____ 12.冰 n. _____ 13.忙于,忙碌的 adj. _____ 短语互译 1.应该,最好 _____ 2.在度假 _____ 3. know about _____ 4. go out _____ 5.后来 _____ 6. come back to life _____ 7.开花;出版,发行 _____ 二、课文初探。 a.快速浏览1a短文,在文中画出不同地区表示天气的词和短语。然后回答以下问题。 Is it summer in Australia in August _____ b.大声朗读1a,完成1b的表格信息,并跟你的同伴互相交流核对答案。 c.阅读2a短文,根据上下文试填短文中缺失的单词,然后用简单的词或短语概括四季的特点。 Spring _____ Summer _____ Fall _____ Winter _____ 三、语法初探 -- 将下列句子翻译成汉语。 1. You'd better know about the weather in different places in August. _____ 2. You'd better get home before it rains. _____ 3. Look at your hands. You'd better go and wash them now. _____ 4. It will rain today. We had better take our raincoats. _____ 5. It's 10 o'clock now. Girls had better come back home early. _____ 总结 you'd better 是you _____ _____ 的缩略形式。 had better类似于情态动词,后接的动词形式是_____, 意为“_____”。 四、语音初探。 a.听3a的录音并大声跟读,注意单词的重音位置。 b.朗读3b的单词,然后听录音,纠正错误的发音。 思考 -ed 在清辅音后发/_____ /; 在浊辅音和元音后发/_____ /; 在/t/、/d/音后面发/_____ /。 导读导练   一、 课文导读。 知识点1: had better意为“应该, 最好”。常用来表示建议,在句中使用时常缩写为 I/ You'd better,后接动词原形。其否定形式为had better not do意为“最好不做某事”。如: You'd better get up early and do some sports. 你最好早起做做运动。 You'd better not drink too much water. 你最好不要喝太多的水。 针对训练1: 1. You'd better to know about the weather in different places in August. (单句改错) 2. The shop is near. You'd better _____ (walk) there. 3. The traffic is busy. Drivers had better _____ (not drive) too fast. 知识点2: Remember to wear warm clothes. 记住要穿暖和的衣服。 remember to do sth. 意为“记住要做某事(还没做或即将发生)” remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事(该行为已经发生或做过)” wear是动词,侧重指穿衣服的状态,意为“穿着/戴着.....”。如: Miss Wang wears a red dress today. 王老师今天穿着一件红裙子。 拓展 wear和put on均是动词,wear强调穿着衣服的状态; put on则强调穿衣的动作。 in是介词, 只作名词的后置定语或者句子的表语, 常常与衣服颜色搭配如“the girl in red"意为“穿红色衣服的女孩”。 针对训练2: 1.用put on, wear, in填空。 The girl _____ purple is Maria. _____ your raincoat when you go out. The girl always _____ her blue dress. 2. Tomorrow is your mother's birthday. Remember _____ the cake to the restaurant. A. to bring B. to take C. taking D. bringing 2. Tomorrow is your mother's birthday. Remember _____ the cake to the restaurant. A. to bring B. to take C. taking D. bringing 3. -I can't find my homework at home. -Don't you rememb ... ...

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