
Lesson20 Oh,Christmas Tree 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:85次 大小:34304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 20 Christmas Tree 教学目标: 1、 知识技能: (1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:tomorrow, then, put on. (2)学生能认读,理解并应用下列句型: let’s put on a Christmas tree. 2. 能力目标: 要求能够熟练地向他人描述某人昨天做了哪些事情;今天做什么事情;明天打算做什么事情。 3. 情感目标: 让学生多了解西方国家的节日,看一看西方国家的节日与中国的有哪些异同点。 教学重难点: 区分一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时这三种时态。 教具、学具:图片、圣诞卡片 教学过程 Step1. Class Opening and Review T:Hello! How are you Review:questions What is Christmas When is Christmas Who is Santa What do you do on Christmas What do we need on Christmas Step2;demonstrate 1. 利用卡片教授新单词:Christmas tree,Christmas things, gift, put on. 2. 听课文第一部分录音,默读 3. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。 4. 三人以小组,分角色朗读课文,强调学生注意语音语调。 Step3;pair-work. 小组内说一说怎样装扮圣诞树。 展示:小组展示,边介绍边用卡片装扮圣诞树。 Step4:let’s do it! Draw and write 第二课时 Step1. Class Opening and Review 复习在第6册学过的动词的过去式。 T: What day is today What day was yesterday 把Yesterday, Today 写在黑板上。 T: Today I walk to school. Yesterday I walked to school. Today I eat an ice cream. Yesterday I ate an apple. What do you do today What did you do yesterday S:…… 老师把这些词写在黑板上。 Yesterday I _____. Today I _____. walked walk ate eat … …. Key Concepts yesterday often tomorrow (be going to) Step2 :Introduce: 介绍tomorrow. 在黑板上写的两组词旁边加上tomorrow 和going to 练习将来时。 T: What day is tomorrow S:… T: I’m going to walk to a park tomorrow. I’m going to fly a kite tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow S:…… Drill 出示各种人物的图片,给出时间 yesterday ,today , tomorrow,让学生用三种时态描述图上内容。如:He /She /They _____ yesterday. He /She _____ s/They_____ today. He is/She is/They are going to _____ tomorrow. 介绍新词汇card 和如何写圣诞卡。 T:Yesterday I went to the store. Christmas is coming. So I saw Christmas trees. They had Christmas lights. They’re very beautiful. I saw Santa. I talked to Santa. At last, I bought Christmas cards. Look,I bring the Christmas cards today. 教学card.并解释bring的过去式brought. T:Today you bring Christmas cards,too. The cards has beautiful pictures.Let’s find the card with Santa/stars…… T: I want to send a Christmas card to my friend. Do you want to send a card S:…… 教师示范如何给朋友写圣诞卡。 T:My Christmas card is ok. Tomorrow I am going to send it to my friend. Use the student book and audiotape. Questions: Who does Li Ming want to send a card to What does Cousin Jing like How does Jenny’s family get ready for the Christmas holiday Step 3 :Practice 1. 听课文第一部分录音,默读 2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。 3. 完成表格。 一般过去式 一般现在是 一般将来时 walk buy bring see work ate give 4. 让每一位学生给好友写一张圣诞卡,主要描述一下自己昨天干了什么、今天在干什么以及明天打算干什么。 Step 4 : homework ... ...

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