

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:83次 大小:41083Byte 来源:二一课件通
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一、完形填空 Many people, whose lives are filled with one fortunate event after another, don’t understand how the other half, the_1_ half lives. Luis J. Rodriguez in his autobiography, Always Running, brings the___2___ into his world with in-depth descriptions of his__3__. After moving from Mexico to America at the age of two, Rodriguez_4_ on the streets of Los Angeles. His youth is filled with drugs, gang violence, and racism against Mexicans. By his late teens, Rodriguez has already_5_ it all, and is trying to get away from it. As Rodriguez took me through his life, I experienced many__6__: hatred as he describes the police; fear during gang wars;_7_ when he makes a difference in his community. Rodriguez’s intention of telling his story is to help others avoid the pain and suffering he experienced, and to show kids they can__8__ that type of life. Because that’s not a life I’ve ever known, the book didn’t have that_9_ on me, but I was able to understand his difficulties. Rodriguez__10__ sees a chance to leave and tries to bring his friends with him.___11___ for them, leaving that life is like deserting their family, and they are still_12_ to get out of pain. Reading this book is like a wake-up call: you see how__13__ others’ lives are and feel extremely lucky for what you have. His_14_ is that it’s always possible to extricate (解救) yourself. When Rodriguez is 16, he realizes gang wars, racism, and hatred must stop. If the world were able to_15_ this, future generations wouldn’t have to live that kind of life. 1.A.unlucky B.brave C.homeless D.poor 2.A.runner B.reader C.victim D.friend 3.A.youth B.country C.family D.change 4.A.runs business B.goes shopping C.looks around D.grows up 5.A.done B.defeated C.experienced D.described 6.A.struggles B.pains C.emotions D.wonders 7.A.pride B.gratitude C.disbelief D.uncertainty 8.A.treasure B.rebuild C.sacrifice D.escape 9.A.value B.effect C.stress D.control 10.A.instantly B.probably C.eventually D.effortlessly 11.A.Uninterestingly B.Unfortunately C.Amazingly D.Naturally 12.A.likely B.ready C.unwilling D.unable 13.A.different B.meaningless C.plain D.adventurous 14.A.promise B.achievement C.message D.story 15.A.study B.recognize C.predict D.reserve Graduation day is one of the most important milestones in many peopled lives. Timothy was ____16____ to make some money before officially graduating from high school, so he ____17____ a job. About a week before his graduation ceremony, Timothy asked his manager Cedric for the day off. ____18____, on graduation day, Cedric was ____19____ when Timothy showed up for his shift anyway. Timothy ____20____ that he couldn’t get a ____21____ across town. Cedric and the other employees ____22____ formed a plan to get Timothy to his graduation no matter what! The ____23____ made a list of what needed to be done to get Timothy there and divided it all up. Once they had ____24____ what they ne ... ...

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