

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:45次 大小:58901Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com A Ann: Hello, Tom. What __1__ that Tom: It's __2__ old photo of my family. Ann: Is this __3__ your father, Tom Tom: Yes, he's my father. He's a doctor(医生). Now, look at this woman. __4__ is my mother. Ann: Is she a doctor, too Tom: No, she's a __5__. She teaches Chinese. Ann: Who's this little girl Is she your __6__ Tom: Yes. She is __7__ Grade Two. Her classroom is next to ours. Ann: __8__ is she Tom: She is ()4. Ann: __9__ this little boy Is he your little brother Tom: No, ha, ha, it's __10__. (A)1. A) is B) am C) are D) be 【详解】那是(is)什么? (B)2. A) a B) an C) the D) / 【详解】那是一张我家的老照片。以元音音素开头的单词前用不定冠词an. (A)3. A) man B) woman C) girl D) boy 【详解】根据father一词可知该句句意为:这个男人是你的爸爸吗?从而可知正确答案。 (B)4. A) He B) She C) It D) I 【详解】她(she)是我的妈妈。 (B)5. A) worker B) teacher C) doctor D) student 【详解】根据下文"She teaches Chinese."可知妈妈的职业是teacher. (B)6. A) brother B) sister C) father D) mother 【详解】这个小女孩是谁?是你的妹妹(sister)吗? (A)7. A) in B) at C) of D) on 【详解】表示在几年级几班用介词in. (B)8. A) What B) How old C) Who D) Why 【详解】根据答语可以知道是问年龄,用how old. (A)9. A) Who's B) What's C) How D) What 【详解】询问某人是谁用疑问代词who. (B)10. A) she B) me C) he D) they 【详解】根据上下文可知此处是指作者自己,所以用me. B Jennifer is very well-known(出名的)at school. Almost everyone __1__ her, because she is a versatile(多才多艺的)girl. She can __2__ all kinds of musical instruments(乐器), like the __3__ , the violin(提琴) __4__ the drums(鼓). So she often plays in the evening parties(晚会) at school. She can also dance __5__. Many girls want to learn dancing from her. Jennifer does sports well, __6__. She is a good runner and she can play __7__ well. She also likes drawing __8__. She is also a good student at school. Her English is very good. She wins the first place(得第一名)in the English speech __9__. Jennifer is such a good girl that we all __10__ her. (C)1. A) sees B) shows C) knows D) finds 【详解】know .v.知道,认识。根据文中"Jennifer is very well-known at school."可知答案。 (B)2. A) do B) play C) paint D) sing 【详解】根据文中"...all kinds of musical instruments"可知她会演奏各种各样的乐器。play.v.演奏。 (B)3. A) basketball B) piano C) e-mail D) band 【详解】文中提到musical instruments .ph.乐器,而选项中只有piano(钢琴)属于乐器,为正确答案。 (C)4. A) or B) but C) and D) with 【详解】她会演奏各种乐器,比如钢琴、小提琴和(and)鼓。 (C)5 A) good B) little C) well D) fine 【详解】well .adv.好地,修饰dance. (B)6. A) then B) too C) also D) to 【详解】Jennifer也很擅长运动。too表示“也”,通常置于句末。 (D)7. A) the football B) the ping-pong C) the guitar D) tennis 【详解】根据上文可知,这里是表明Jennifer很擅长运动。符合语境的只有play tennis, 意为“打网球”,球类名词前不用定冠词the. (B)8. A) picture B) pictures C) actor D) photos 【详解】表示画画用picture, picture为可数名词,可数名词 ... ...

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