
NPR讲解2013年5月 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕(42份打包)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中视频 查看:60次 大小:16858273Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    NPR讲解附字幕:奥巴马会见约旦国王 谨慎对待叙利亚化武问题 查看原帖 From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh. 这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是拉克什米·辛格。 Air traffic controllers are being spared further furloughs after government felt the rough of a traveling public affected by hundreds of flight delays. Today the U.S. House voted 361: 41 in favor of a measure allowing the Federal Aviation Administration to tap into unused funds to pay their air traffic controllers. The bill passed the Senate late yesterday and President Obama is expected to sign the legislation today. 政府察觉到上百架航班延误给民众出行所带来的影响,因此空中交通管制员将不会再强制休假。今天,美国众议院以361票赞成、41票反对的结果批准了一项法案,允许联邦航空管理局用未使用的款项支付空中交通管制员的薪水。昨天晚些时候,参议院已通过了该法案,奥巴马总统将于今天签字批准。 Today, Barack Obama became the first sitting president to address Planned Parenthood's annual conference. NPR's Ari Schapiro reports President Obama assured the organization that he has their back and that they are going anywhere. 今天,巴拉克·奥巴马成为首位在计划生育组织年度会议上发表讲话的在任总统。据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,奥巴马总统向该组织保证,他会支持他们,他们会进展顺利。 The president used this speech to promote his health care law. This fall people can begin signing up for insurance exchanges to get health coverage. Obama asked for Planned Parenthood's help spread in the world, especially, among women. And he said it won't be easy acknowledging the push back that the organization's leader Cecile Richards has described. 总统用这次演讲推进他的保健法。今年秋天,民众可开始在保险公司报名以获得健康保险。奥巴马要求计划生育组织推进保险在全世界的普及,尤其是女性。他表示,认识到该组织领袖塞西尔·理查兹描述的阻挠并不容易。 "Cecile describes Planned Parenthood as the only organization that she has ever been at where there are opponents who, in her words, literally get up every day trying to figure out how to keep us from doing our work. Now if she'd worked in the administration, she'd be more familiar with this phenomenon but.." “塞西尔将计划生育组织形容为这是她参与的组织中唯一一个,用她的话说就是,反对者几乎每天都在试图寻找如何阻止我们工作的方法。如果她曾经在政府工作,她会对这个现象更熟悉,但是……” Obama argued that attacks on Planned Parenthood are really attacks on women. Ari Schapiro, NPR News, the White House. 奥巴马称对计划生育组织的攻击事实上就是对女性的攻击。NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗白宫报道。 President Obama says he won't permit the use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians but says the U.S. evidence of that is preliminary. NPR's Michele Kelemen reports that Syria was high on the agenda as President Obama met Jordan's King Abdullah this afternoon. 奥巴马总统表示,他不会允许对叙利亚平民使用化学武器的行为,但是他也表示,美国现在只掌握了初步证据。据NPR新闻的米歇尔·凯莱门报道,今天下午,奥巴马总统和约旦国王阿卜杜拉会面时,叙利亚问题被提上重要议程。 President Obama has called the use of chemical weapons a g ... ...

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