
Unit 5 Whose dog is it?A Let’s learn 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:31874637Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Whose dog is it Part A Let’s learn Unit 5 Teaching aims 1. 能够听、说、读、写名词性物主代词: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这六个名词性物主代词 描述某物是谁的,并注意区分它们和形容词性 物主代词的用法区别。 重点 Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary 3. 能够培养学生关爱小动物的意识。 Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Watch and enjoy Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look and say Today Zoom and Zip are at the dog show. Whose dogs are on show Let’s have a look. Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look and learn Whose dog is it The dog is his. Oh. It’s Mike’s dog. It’s his dog. his his dog his dog his Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look and learn Whose dog is it It’s Chen Jie’s dog. The dog is hers. Oh. It’s her dog. her dog her dog hers hers Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look and learn It’s their dog. their dog It’s our dog. The dog is ours. Yes. It’s theirs. our dog theirs ours their dog theirs our dog ours Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look and learn Look, Zip! It’s your dog. It’s yours. Yes. It’s my dog. The lovely dog is mine. your dog your dog yours yours Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Whose dog is it Look and learn It’s my dog. The dog is mine. my dog my dog mine mine Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Do you like the dogs Whose dogs do you like best Why Free talk Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look and say his dog his her dog hers our dog ours their dog theirs your dog yours my dog mine 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary his dog — his Zoom’s dog her dog — hers their dog — theirs It’s our dog. The dog is ours. my dog — mine Look! That’s my dog! Yes! It’s your dog. The dog is yours. Listen and read Act, point and say Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary This dog is mine. It’s my dog. This dog is his. It’s his dog. their your his my her our Look and say Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Whose bird/... is this It’s his/... bird. The bird is his/... Look and write Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Amy It’s her book. The book is hers. John John and Amy (your name) (you and your partner) Look and act Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Amy It’s her book. The book is hers. John John and Amy (your name) (you and your partner) Whose book is that It’s Amy’s book. Ah! The book is hers. Chant and adapt Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Dog, dog, dog, whose dog is it Dog, dog, dog, it’s my dog. The dog is mine. Dog, dog, dog, whose dog is it Dog, dog, dog, it’s your dog. The dog is yours. Dog, dog, dog, whose dog is it Dog, dog, dog, it’s her dog. The dog is hers. Dog, dog, dog, whose dog is it Dog, dog, dog, it’ ... ...

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