

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:55次 大小:866943Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小学英语四年级下册专项训练-补全对话-人教PEP版 一、选内容补全对话/短文 对话一。 —Can I help you —Yes. These gloves are nice. ____1____ —Of course. Here you are. Are they OK —Yes. I like them. How much are they —____2____ 对话二。 —Amy. ____3____ —OK, Mum. ____4____ —No, it's not mine. It's your father's. —____5____ —They're mine. A.Can you help me B.They are $80. C.Can I try them on D.Whose socks are those E.Is this yours Amy: ___6___ This is our music room. Tom: Wow! It’s big and nice. ___7___ Amy: Yes, we do. Tom: Where is the art room Amy: ___8___ This way, please. Tom: OK! Amy: Look! ___9___ Tom: It’s nice, too. I like your school. Amy: Thank you. Oh, what time is it Tom: ___10___ Amy: It’s time for lunch. Let’s go. Tom: All right. A.It’s on the second floor. B.It’s 12 o’clock. C.This is the art room. D.Do you have an art room E.Welcome to our school. A: Can I help you B: ___11___ I want to buy a jacket for my son. A: ___12___ What colour do you want to have B: Brown. A: Here is a brown jacket. ___13___ B: No I don’t. It’s too small. A: What about this one B: It looks nice. ___14___ A: Twenty dollars. B: Good. ___15___ A.I will take it. B.Do you like it C.We have jackets in all colours on sale. D.No, thanks. E.How much is it F.Yes, please. G.Yes. I do. Sarah: We have a show in our school at 9:00. Mum: In your classroom Sarah: No, ___16___. What time is it now Mum: ___17___. Sarah: Oh, it’s time to go. Mum: It’s cold outside. ___18___ Sarah: Yes, I do. Pass it to me. Mum: ___19___ Sarah: It’s on my bed. Mum: ___20___. Have a good time! Sarah: Thank you. Bye! A.Here you are. B.Where is it C.Do you have a jacket (夹克) D.It’s 8:10. E.it’s in the library. A: It's warm today. There is a special activity (活动) in our classroom. B: _____21_____ A: Sure. This way, please. B: _____22_____ A: It's on the first floor. Look! Here it is. B: Wow! So many toys! So many clothes! A: Look! This shirt is mine. B: _____23_____ A: It's 88 yuan. B: It's nice. Look! _____24_____ A: They're Chen Jie's. B: _____25_____ It's so funny! A: Yes, it is. It's Sarah's. A.Is that a toy duck B.Whose sunglasses are these C.Can I go there and have a look D.Where is your classroom E.How much is it Hello! My name is Sarah. I am ____26____ my uncle's farm. It's 6:40 now. It's time to ____27____. I put on my new blue ____28____. It's nice and ____29____. I like it very much. It's ____30____ today. There are many ____31____ on the farm. Look! ____32____ are those They're ___33___. They're so ____34____. They love to _____35_____ grass. A.cute B.get up C.cows D.sunny E.cheap F.animals G.skirt H.eat I.at J.What 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第4页,共4页 参考答案: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.D 【解析】 【导语】 本文包括两个小对话,一个是购物,一个是讨论袜子是谁的。 1. 下句说:当然。可知这句是请求,C我能试戴它们吗?符合语境,故选C。 2. 上句问:多少钱?这句回答价钱,B80元。符合语境,故选B。 3. 下句说:好的, ... ...

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