
人教版选必一 Unit1 People of Achievement 综合运用(含答案)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:10次 大小:136738Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 People of achievement 综合运用 基础训练篇 I. 选用合适的内容填空。 1. subsequent, permanent a. She has come to my city to learn fine arts and is looking for a(n) _____ place to stay. b. These painting skills were passed on to _____ generations. 2. reputation, exhibition a. The art school has an international _____ as a center of excellence. b. These valuable paintings will be on _____ until the end of the month. 3. primitive, subjective, representative a. We have to admit that taste in art is a(n) _____ matter. b. The health survey was carried out in one small town, so we can't be sure that the results are truly _____. c. The _____ surgery of those days left the famous painter deaf in one ear. II. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。 It is difficult to know _____ (precise) how much impact the changes will have. 2. She was extremely _____ (influence) in raising people's awareness of a healthy lifestyle. 3. He doesn't really like modern art but he bought some as a(n) _____ (invest). 4. When the artist returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all _____ (recognise). 5. The novel is a(n) _____ (expand) of a short story he wrote about forty years ago. III. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 在这幅画中,太阳从云层后浮现出来。 (emerge) _____ 2. 这些年来,他渐渐喜欢上了水墨画。 (fond) _____ 3. 在这份健康报告中有两点值得注意。 (worthy) _____ 4. 这里有这么多幅画 ,你为什么特别喜欢那幅? (in particular) _____ 5. 一幅漂亮的画可以让一个房间鲜活起来。 (bring ... to life) _____ 能力提升篇 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Artist Michelangelo's sculpture of David is one of the most famous artworks of all time. Michelangelo carved the 17-foot-tall statue from one 1. _____ (true) massive block of marble (大理石) in the early 1500s. Now that sculpture has 2. _____ twin. David is 3. _____ famous that there are already lots of 4. _____ (copy). But this time, a team of scientists and artists have worked for over a year to create the most accurate and complete copy ever. The team made thousands of digital scans of the 17-foot-tall statue. According 5. _____ the team, the size of the sculpture was a(n) 6. _____ (significance) challenge: the team had to construct a special tripod (三脚架) to scan David from head to toe, and finding a 3D printer large enough 7. _____ (produce) the replica in one piece was impossible. Instead, the statue 8. _____ (divide) into 14 printable pieces and then assembled by hand. Once the pieces were put together, a team of 9. _____ (train) art restorers recreated every detail of the original. They matched the color changes of the original marble and even 10. _____ (include) all of the statue's cracks and stains (污迹). The finished statue will represent Italy in a large show in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in October. 参考答案 I. 1. a. permanent b. subsequent 2. a. reputation b. exhibition 3. a. subjective b. representative c. primitive II. 1. precisely ... ...

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