
Unit 3 Lesson18 The Snowman 教案

日期:2024-05-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:27次 大小:32768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 18 The Snowman 一、教学目标: 知识与能力: 1、复习本单元听说读写方面掌握和运用的单词;能够理解运用并能口头应答一些关于各个季节衣服变化。并以冬季为重点。 2、能够在日常生活中运用所学的各种冬季运动的词汇并能运用句型 做简短的情景对话。如:在教室中两个同学在谈论同学们冬季里的活动,等等。 过程与方法:直观教学法,情景教学法,合作学习法。复习并运用本单元所学的与冬天趣事有关的运动句型和词汇。 情感态度价值观:用游戏、歌曲的方式激发学习兴趣,激发学生对四季的喜爱之情。 二、教学重、难点 1、重点:在于让学生掌握和运用更多的关于冬季活动的语句。 2、难点:引导学生创造性地运用语句。 三、教具学具: ppt、冬季的衣服等 四、教学过程: Step one:Warming-up 1)Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you Ss: I’m fine. Thanks. T:What is this Ss: It is a snowman. T: Do you like to make a snowman Ss: Yes. T:Today we learn a story. It is about a snowman. 设计意图:由师生对话,引出本课话题,激活学生的学习兴趣,让学生明白我们本课要学的内容与雪人有关,唤起学生的已有相关知识储备。 Step two: Presentation 1)Show the pictures one by one and guess what happened. 设计意图:运用图片直观形象,使学生初步了解故事情节,同时激发学生的想象力,引发学生学习此故事的好奇心,为进一步学习该故事做铺垫; 2)Then read the story simply and find out the difficult words and explain them to students. said--say put--put played--play made--make took--take was--is opened--open could--can had--have asked--ask 设计意图:解决相关陌生单词,为学生学习此故事除去心理上感觉困难的障碍, 可使学生从心理上减轻负担; 3) Listen to the tape again and read the each part of the story following the tape. Then find volunteers to give the answers. 1. Who made the snowman in the story 2.When could the snowman talk 3. Did the snowman have feet 4.When could the snowman skate 4.Why was the snowman sad 5. Did John help the snowman in the end of this story 设计意图:设定问题,通过听录音找出相关问题的答案,使学生的听力有目标, 可以促进学生进一步理解故事情节; 4) Read the story again and play a game: Choose one pocket which is on the blackboard and pick out the message. Then read it to the whole students and judge it. 设计意图:对于判断是否符合故事情节这一方法,考察学生对故事细节的理解; 通过做游戏,可以提升学生的学习热情,活跃课堂气氛。 Step three: Activities 1) Free talk: 1)Do you like this snowman Why 2)Can you think a different ending 设计意图:设计该问题是在学生理解故事发展情节的基础上,充分发挥学生的想象力,使学生的认知、情感等得到发展。 2)Group work: Four students in one group. Two students who play as John and the snowman read the words according to the situation and the other two students play the roles 3) Conclude their work. 设计意图:通过小组表演,使学生进一步了解故事,同时进一步提升学生的表达能力,与他人的合作意识。 Step four: Homework 1) Listen to the tape once more. 2) Tell the story to their family. 设计意图:课下听录音使学生再一次感知故事;向他人讲故事,体现了学生对故事情节的把握,同时培养了学生初步讲故事的能力。 板书设计: Lesson18 The Snowman made John put his hat on the snowman. talk put his skates ... ...

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