
Unit3 What subject do you like best? Lesson 16 表格式教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:92次 大小:28672Byte 来源:二一课件通
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双优课教学设计 任课教师 任教学科 英语 班级 上课时间 课题 Lesson 16 教学目标 能够听、说、认读science和drama,能够听、说、读、写science和lesson.能够在生活情景中运用“Do you study ...”“Do you like ...”进行交际能够珍惜学习机会,提高学习英语的兴趣 教学重点 Do you study / like 功能语句的问答,并运用于实际场景 教学难点 science和drama正确朗读, science和lesson 的听说读写 媒体使用 多媒体,教学课件 教 学 过 程 设计意图 Lead in Listen and doTeacher makes orders, and students show the things and speak after teacher. For example “Show me your music book”.Review wordsAsk students read and spell the subject words, and put the words in the sentences to practice.Play a chain game : one student ask and choose another student answer.PresentationListen and answer the questionListen to a record speaking by Tom, and fill in the blank of his timetable.Teach the word “lesson”According to Tom’s timetable, read “ Chinese lesson” “English lesson” “science lesson” “music lesson” “drama lesson” and “PE lesson”.Write “lesson” three times since it is a word which students should be able to write.Teach the word “science”In the morning, Tom has a science lesson. Show the teaching picture of science, and lead the reading. After that, read and spell the word one by one in a group.Write “study science” on the blackboard, and ask students to read one by one.Write “Do you...” and “Yes, we do” on the blackboard, then ask one group to ask and one group to answer.Teach the word “drama” Tom has a drama lesson in the afternoon. Look, this is the picture of his drama lesson. Ask students to read “drama” one by one, and put “drama” in the sentence “Do you like drama ”Write “ like drama” on the blackboard.Play a hamster gameStudents shout the word when it appears on the screen.Listen and answerListen the recording of the text and answer the question:Do they study science What subject does the boy like best Does the girl like English Listen and readStudents read after the recording.PracticeShow timeWork in group, choose a way you like to read or act the story.Let’s do a surveyStudents make a survey on page 33. They ask other students’ favorite subjects.Play a big swing gameStudents put the word in the sentence and say the sentence. Connect the picture with the word.Do a summaryHomework1. Let’s make a timetable.2. Let's describe the timetable with 3 sentences. 复习旧知,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习积极性复习旧知,旧知带新知训练学生听力,引入本课生词由汤姆的课表引入科学一词由图片情景引入戏剧一词通过游戏复习所学单词学习16课课文,在学习中锻炼学生听、说、读能力巩固目标语言培养学生英语交际能力复习巩固本课目标语言 板书设计 Lesson 16 study science Do you Yes, we do. like drama 课后作业 必做:Make a timetable 时间:10 min 选做:Describe timetable 时间:5 min 教导处 ... ...

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