
Unit3 What subject do you like best? Lesson 16 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:18次 大小:16616Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四年级下册Lesson 16教学设计 学情分析: 四年级学生比较活泼,乐于参加探究新知。也乐于自我表现,更乐于张扬自己的个性,所以积极主动地参与TPR活动。通过四年的学习学生储备了一定的日常用语,大部分学生都能够听懂教师的指令,也能看懂教师肢体语言,并做出相应的反应。学生能用英语表达自己的思想,但学生缺乏用英语组织语言能力。用英语思维的能力。需要教师不断地引领;用英语表达学过的简单的句子,需要输入大量的英语语言。 教学目标: 认知目标:学生能听、说、读、写的四会单词有:science和lesson 学生能听、说、读的三会单词有:drama;学生能运用what subjects do you like Do you like English I like...等进行口语交际。 能力目标: 积极运用所学英语进行交流,加强合作式学习,共同完成学习任务。 情感目标:让学生在学习的过程中,培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识,培养学生爱学习,爱学校,爱老师的美好情感。 教学重点: 本课的教学重点是让学生掌握四会单词:science和lesson;基本句型:what subjects do you like Do you like English I like...让学生能运用基本句型进行交流,初步锻炼学生运用基本句型询问喜欢学科的能力。 教学难点: 本课的教学难点是学生接触what subjects do you like 这个新句型,让他们会灵活运用新句型进行对话。 教学方法: 多媒体教学法、表演法、小组合作法、情境教学法。 教学手段: 笔记本电脑、手工头饰、四线三格贴。 教学过程: Revision Let’s report. Presentation Learn how to write “ lesson”. Cultures PK: T: Today, we will welcome three American friends. They are Fiona, Anne and Jessie. First, let’s welcome, Fiona. Where is Fiona F: Here I am.(戴上头饰)Nice to meet you, boys and girls. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. F: I’m from USA, America. But I love China very much. So I want to learn some Chinese cultures and I think we can learn from each other, right Ss: Yes. T: OK. Kate is from America. So do you have questions to ask her S1: Yes! Do you like Chinese F: Yes, I do. S2: How do you study Chinese F: OK. We can watch a video. Then you will know. (看完视频,学习完之后) Anne: So, how do you study English S3: We sing English songs. Anne: Oh, I see. S4: We read English. Anne: Wow, great! S5: We act. T: Yes. We will see..... (播放PPT) Anne: Super! T: Next, let’s watch a video and see what is it. (播放完之后) Guess! What’s this Peking opera. Yes, Anne, do you know this is a very famous Chinese traditional performance. Anne: Yes, I know. And I like it very much. T: So, how about your country Anne: In our country, there is a famous performance, too. Look here! (播放幻灯片) Guess! What’s this Study “drama”. Super eye Jessie:In my school, there is one subject. It is very interesting. (看屏幕) In this subject, you have to think; you can do experiment and then you can learn some knowledge. Can you guess what subject is it OK, let’s watch a video first. T: What’s this Ss: science. T: Do you study science Ss: Yes, we do. Study “science”. Super eyes. Practice (1) Can you make a sentence (group work and PK) (2) Listen to the tape and answer one question; (3) Let’s do a survey; Homework Must do : finish your exercise book. Choose to do: do a survey about subjects with your friends. ... ...

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