
英语四年级上深港版Unit 5 Revision课件 2

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:5098725Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Revision (Part B our holiday) 深圳市福田区景鹏小学 赖巍丹 Teaching aims: Raise students interests to learn English Enable students to make plans for a favourite holiday. Learn how to use ‘be going to’ to talk about plans Teaching contents: We love English Book 7 When’s Teacher’s Day? It’s on September 10th. What are you going to do? I’m/we’re going to … Teaching aids: Courseware Teaching steps: Warming-up Sing an English song Revise the phrases and holidays of unit 2 Guessing game. Ss say something about a festival in English. Other students guess what holiday it is. Some students describe the holidays or do an action shown on the screen. One student guesses what holiday it is or what phrase it is. Revise the sentence pattern of unit 2. a. Group work A memory game. Show the courseware. Let Ss guess what the boy is going to do next week? b. A chant. c. A task. Teacher: The national day is coming. First I make a plan about the holiday: What am I going to do in the 7-day holiday? Now it’s your turn to make your own plan. Ss make their plan and give us a report. Homework Talk about your plan in this weekend with your parents or your friends. Finish your WB in Unit 5,

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