
Unit 6 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts课件(30张PPT)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:64次 大小:6786586Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 34: Flying Donuts 学 习 目 标 掌握单词:invention, oil, probably 接触单词:presentation, backpack, cardboard, fuel, imagination 短语:stay up late, turn on 1 3 初步了解动词不定式的用法。 能够谈论交通工具和交通方式。 2 4 通过本节课的学习,了解一些新型交通工具,激发学习兴趣,培养创造力。 What kind of transportation can you name Think about it bicycle/bike train bus car boat plane ship motorbike electric bike Imagine a new type of transportation. Describe it. New words and expressions He gave a presentation to the class. n. 介绍;陈述 Thomas Edison invented many inventions in his life. invention n. 发明 invent v. 发明 back+pack backpack n. 背包 card+board cardboard n. 硬纸板 n. 燃料 They probably know the price of oil. n. 油;石油 Petrol is the fuel of the car. adv. 大概;很可能;也许 They turn on the TV and stay up late to watch the football match. He is a boy with a rich imagination. n. 想象;想象力 打开(电脑、收音机、电视等) 熬夜 Read the new words. presentation invention backpack cardboard fuel oil probably imagination n. 介绍;陈述 n. 发明;创造 n. 背包 n. 硬纸板 n. 燃料 n. 油;石油 adv. 大概;很可能;也许 n. 想象;想象力 1. What does Danny call his invention 2. How does Danny’s invention work Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1 He calls it “Flying Donuts”. First, he puts the Flying Donuts bag on his back. Then he turns it on and jumps into the air. 3. Why are donuts the best food to make the rockets go 4. How far will you go if you have five donuts Because you can eat them when you get hungry. Five kilometres. Careful-reading Read the lesson carefully and answer the questions. 1.When did Danny build his invention 2.What colour are his cardboard rockets 3.How many donuts did he buy on his way to school Last night. Red. Ten. 4.What’s Danny’s invention made of It’s made of a backpack, two cardboard rockets and ten donuts. 5.How did Danny build his invention (five steps) Steps First Second Third Fourth Finally take an old backpack make two cardboard rockets paint/colour them red glue them onto the backpack buy some donuts and put them into the backpack 6.What do the donuts do They are the fuel. Every donut will carry one kilometre. 7.How far can his invention fly? Ten kilometres. 8.Why are donuts best to Danny 9.Do you think Danny’s invention really work Because he can eat them when he gets hungry. I don’t think so. 1. 认为;想出 _____ 2.一种新型交通工具 _____ 3.熬夜 _____ 4.在某人上学的路上 _____ 5.在……的前面 _____ 6. 想要做某事 _____ 7. 穿上 _____ 8. 打开 _____ 9.跳入 …… _____ stay up late put on jump into at the front of turn on on one’s way to school Read the passage again and find these phrases. a new kind of transportation think of would like to do sth. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. 1. To be a writer, you need a good _____(imagine). 2. It’s too dark now. _____(see) clearly, you need _____(turn) on the light. 3. It ... ...

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