
2013年深圳市罗湖区小学四年级第八册Unit10 Revision教学课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:18次 大小:11482904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件84张PPT。Part AThe first periodUnit 10 Revision123 8546 7123 8546 7a little watera small pot a little lighta lot of watera large pota lot of light+=a small pot of soil Can you say the words and phrases quickly?soila little watera small pot a little lighta lot of watera large pota lot of light+=a small pot of soil Can you talk?A:I want to grow some potatoes. What does our plant need? B: It needs… . a little watera small pot a little lighta lot of watera large pota lot of light+=a small pot of soil A: I want to … What … our plant …? B: It needs … . Can you talk?a little watera small pot a little lighta lot of watera large pota lot of light+=a small pot of soil A: I want to … What … our plant …? B: It needs … . Can you talk?We are going to do an experiment.Group 1Group 2Group 3Can you write?grow quicklyGroup1 : Give this plant a little water once a dayWhat will happen? It will_____ grow quickly.grow slowlyGroup2 : Give this plant a little water once a week.What _____? It will _____.grow slowlywill happendieGroup3 : Give this plant a little water once a monthWhat_____? It _____.will diewill happen123grow quicklygrow slowlydie A: I give this plant … . What will happen? B: It will…Can you say?《两只老虎》新唱:I grow a plant,give it water. A little water ,once a day. What will happen ? What will happen ? It will grow Quickly.Can you chant?2. I grow a plant ,give it water. A lot of water,once a week. What will happen? What will happen ? It will grow Slowly.3. I grow a plant , give it water. A little water, once a month. What will happen ? What will happen ? It will die . It will die.needs waterneeds soil and waterneeds lightCan you listen?diediedie Tom is a seven-year old boy. He has a hobby. He likes growing flowers. Tom wants to grow some roses (玫瑰). He puts some seeds and soil in a large pot. He puts the pot beside the window. Tom loves his plant very much. He waters it a little of water once a day. What will happen? Will this plant grow? Of cause(当然) it will grow quickly and grow beautiful flowers. ( ) 1. Tom is nine years old. ( ) 2. Tom doesn’t like flowers. ( ) 3. Tom grows some roses. ( ) 4. The plant needs some soil, water and light. ( ) 5. Tom’s roses will grow beautiful flowers. (正确的打T, 错误的打F)FFTTTCan you read?Homework ABCPlant these seeds ,give them different situation, write down the result in one month.请你动手种植这些种子,把他们分成三组,给予不同的 条件,一个月后,记下不同的结果.Thank you very much.I am all ears to listen to your advise.Bye-byePart BThe second period ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????springsummerautumnwinter Festivals in spring Women’s Day   妇女节 March 8 April Fool’s Day 愚人节 April 1 Labour Day    劳动节  May 1 Mother’s Day   母亲节 May 13 this yearFestivals in summer Children’s Day 儿童节  June 1 Father’s Day 父亲节  June 9 this year The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 the 5th day of the 5th l ... ...

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