
人教新版英语四 全册教案(英文版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:93次 大小:31323Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 This is my new friend Teaching aims: 1. Can speak the sentences; This is my friend/father/mother. Where are you from I’m from America./Beijing/Singapore/Shanghai。 What’s your father/mother He’s/She’s a driver/teacher/doctor...... 2. Can listen, say, read, write the letters: Aa--Zz 3. Can listen, say, read the words: China, America, England, Singapore, Canda, friend, boy, girl, student, driver, teacher, farmer, doctor, nurse postman. Make up some sentences with the words. 4. Can speak and ask sb. 5. Can learn some skills. 6. Can learn from each other. Unit 1. This is my new friend. Lesson One Teaching aims: 1. To learn the new words and letters; 2. To learn the new sentences 3. To use the patterns in the real situations. Main point: the new words and letters and sentences. Difficult point: make up a new dialogue. Teaching aids: the tape recorder and pictures. Teaching steps: Step 1: warm-up 1) Look at the letter and read them; 2) Say some old words; 3)Make up some sentences with “This is...” Step 2: presentation 1) Teacher says: New term is beginning. Let’s send your regards to your classmates. Ss : Hi! ( Nice to meet you.) 2) T: This is my new friend. She’s from America. Ss: This is ...... 3) Look at the pictures and say them; Listen to the recording and repeat. 4) To learn the new words: China America England This is my new friend. She’s/He’s from...... 5) To learn the letters: a b c d e Step 3: practice 1) Ask and answer: Where are you from I’m from...... 2) Guessing game Step 4: assessment 1) Read the letters 2) Introduce their friends 3) Read the new words 4) Listening game Step 5: additional activities 1) Use the old sentences make up some new ones 2) Say some words Writing on the blackboard: Lesson One China America England Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Summary: Lesson Two Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new words and letters: Singapore Canada friends 2.To learn the new dialogue: Where’re you from I’m from…… We’re good friends. Main points: the new words, letters, sentences. Difficult points: the new dialogue. Teaching aids: the tape-recorder and pictures. Teaching steps: Step 1: Revision Ask and answer: Where are you from I’m from…… Read some letters Step 2: Presentation Show them the flags: China America English Singapore Canada Ask and answer one by one: Where are you from I’m from…… Listen to the tape recorder again and again, read after it. To learn the new words: Singapore Canada friends To learn the new letters: Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Step 3: Practice Play a game: say the words quickly Sing a song: Where are you from Step 4: Assessment Look at the pictures and say them Act out the dialogue Step 5: Additional activities Draw some flags Sing the song Writing on the blackboard: Lesson Two Singapore Canada friends Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Summary: Lesson Three Teaching aims: 1. To learn the new words and letters: boy girl student 2. To learn the new dialogue: Come on, boys. Have some fruit. Who’s this boy . Main points: the new words, lette ... ...

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