
外研版英语七年级下册 Module 5 Unit 1What can I do for you教案

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:24次 大小:21693Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 5 Shopping Unit 1 What can I do for you 一、教学目标 By the end of the class, students will be able to: Master the key words and expressions in this unit, such as market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry, sausage, size, take, certainly, try on, half price, etc. 在语境中理解并认读本单元重点词汇、短语; Understand dialogues about going shopping. 能听懂有关购物的简短对话; Master the way of asking for size, color and price when shopping, such as “What colour…?What size…?How much…?How many/much…?” 听辨并准确使用What colour…?What size…?How much…?How many/much…?等购物用语,来问答颜色、尺寸、价格、多少等。 Learn to love their parents and people around them. 通过学习为母亲购买母亲节礼物的对话,以感恩的心关爱父母和他人。 二、教学重点与难点 教学重点:1.能够掌握有关购物的重点词汇、短语及句型; 2. 能够听懂有关“购物”的会话并进行交流; 教学难点:1. 能够掌握有关购物的交际用语; 2. 能运用购物交际用语自由交流; 三、教学准备 多媒体、黑板、图片、教学课件、实物如衣服、饼干、香蕉、苹果等。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Lead in导入 (1 min) Watch a video clip from the famous cartoon Peppa Pig.(33秒) Ask and answer. “What are they doing ” “How many things are there on the shopping list ” 自然导入本模块话题“Shopping” Unit 1 What can I do for you (设计意图:播放“小猪佩奇”视频激发学生兴趣,激活购物场景,让学生进入本模块主题。) Step 2 Pre-listening听前 Learn new words ( 7 min) Free talk and ask some questions: Do you like going shopping Where do you often go shopping What can you buy in these places (the market/supermarket/clothes shop) Play a guessing game. 利用希沃的蒙层功能,展示图片的一部分,由学生猜测,学习本单元词汇market, supermarket, lemon, strawberry, biscuit, sausage, fresh等。 (设计意图:学生自由发言说出与购物相关的词汇,激活学生有关购物的词汇储备,再学习目标词汇,使学生充分熟悉本单元重点词汇,为后面的活动做准备。) Play the word game “Call numbers” ( 5 min) Step 1:所有学生快速记忆新词汇(market, supermarket, lemon, strawberry, biscuit, sausage); Step 2:老师随机报学号选6名同学参与游戏; Step 3: 6名同学随机抽取标有新词汇的卡片,抽中的单词即为“你的名字”; Step 4: 6名学生依次报自己的名字,参与者记住其他人的名字,游戏开始。 (游戏规则:第一轮,6名同学按照数字1-5来抢着报数,每人仅能抢一次。当有两人或更多人同时抢报同一个数字时,重复喊数的人需迅速找出和你同时喊数的人,并快速说出对方的名字,未能说出对方名字、说错对方名字或说得晚的均淘汰。以此类推,最后剩余2名选手,各加一分) (设计意图:通过游戏环节激发学生学习兴趣,同时巩固刚学的词汇。) Step 3 While-listening听中 Lead-in: (1 min) Show Ss the calendar and ask “Do you know what day is this day ” T: Mother’s Day is coming, and two of our friends Lingling and Betty wants to do something for their mums, and they want to buy something. (设计意图:通过看日历上的“母亲节”,引导学生答出Mother’s Day,引入本单元Lingling和Betty要去为妈妈买母亲节礼物的话题。) 2. Mini-listening: Listen and choose. (2 min) (1)What is Lingling going to buy for her mother A. Biscuits. B. A cake. C. A T- ... ...

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