
上海高考英语考纲词汇重难点讲解Part 3(PDF版课件)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:83次 大小:520676Byte 来源:二一课件通
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上海高考英语考纲 词汇重难点讲解 Part 3 SHUSIYUN 公众号:书思韵 本期重点词汇 breath bring budget burst but call case catch certain chance charge claim clear command commit 公众号:书思韵 1. breath 基本词意及用法: n. 呼吸 By the time I got to the top of the tower, I was quite out of breath. 等我爬到塔顶的时候,已经是上气不接下气了。 固定搭配: hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 take/draw (in) a breath 吸气 公众号:书思韵 1.breath lose one’s breath 喘不过气气来 (be/run) out of breath 上气不接下气 派生词: breathe v. 呼吸 breathtaking adj. 扣人心弦的,激动人心的 Passing through Zimbabwe, the vast acres of fertile farmland that are the breadbasket of the southern hemisphere are breathtaking.(来源:BBC Ideas) 穿过津巴布韦,广袤无垠的肥沃农田是南半球的粮仓,令人叹为观止。 公众号:书思韵 1.breath breathless adj.气喘吁吁的 Just then, a highly excited, breathless voice called down the table.(来源: 哈利波特与火焰杯) 就在这时,一个兴奋得喘不过气的声音从桌子那头传来。 公众号:书思韵 2. bring 基本词意及用法: v. 取来,带来;产生 My mother brought my grandmother home from hospital. 我妈妈把奶奶从医院带回家。 He brought to the job not just considerable experience but passionate enthusiasm. 他不仅给这一工作带来了不少经验,而且倾注了极大的热情。 公众号:书思韵 2. bring 动词短语及搭配:(重点) bring about 引发,导致(bring about a revolution/quarrel/war) bring back 使回忆起(bring back every memory of my childhood) bring down 削减,降低(bring down the price) bring forward 提出(bring forward a proposal/plan/idea) bring in引进;实施(bring in a new product;bring in reforms) bring sb. up 把孩子抚养成人 bring… into being 形成,成立 公众号:书思韵 2. bring bring…into existence/use/force 使形成/生效/起作用等 bring new evidence/the truth to light 让人知道…… 公众号:书思韵 3. budget 基本词意及用法: ①n. 预算 The work’s running over budget, so we’ve had to postpone installing an elevator.(来源:剑桥雅思听力全真试题11) 这次工程的花费已经超出预算了,所以我们不得不推迟安装电梯的计划。 公众号:书思韵 3. budget ②v. 做预算,编入预算 But once you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have the skill “under your belt.”(来源:VOA Special 2015年6月) 但一旦成功地对钱做了预算,就能扎实地学会了预算的技能。 ③v. 安排 budget one’s time wisely 明智地安排时间 公众号:书思韵 3. budget ④adj. 低廉的 Cheap flights are available from budget travel agent from $100. 收费低廉的旅行社可以提供100美元起的低价机票。 固定搭配: on a budget 精打细算 tighten budget 紧缩预算 keep within the household budget 控制在家庭预算之内 公众号:书思韵 3. budget a budget deficit预算赤字(反:a budget surplus预算盈余) balance the budget平衡收支预算 真题例句: There are a growing number of art fairs and online marketplaces aimed at buyers with a more modest budget.(来源:黄浦区 2018一模完型填空) 公众号:书思韵 4. burst 基本词意及用法: ①v. 爆裂 The bus driver lost control when a tyre burst. 一个车胎爆了,公交车司机失去了控制。 ②v. 突然闯进或跑出 Gunmen burst into the victim’s hom ... ...

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