
上海高考英语考纲词汇重难点讲解Part 8(PDF版课件)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:473770Byte 来源:二一课件通
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上海高考英语考纲 词汇重难点讲解 Part 8 SHUSIYUN 公众号:书思韵 本期重点词汇 industry inevitable inferior inform initiative innocent inquire insist inspire instinct instruct intend interpret involve issue 公众号:书思韵 1. industry 基本词意及用法: ①n. 工业 British industry suffered through insufficient investment in research and development. 研发投入不足曾让英国工业深受其害。 ②n. 行业 the tourist industry 旅游业 公众号:书思韵 1. industry ③n. 勤劳(生义) His success lies in his ability, industry and integrity. 他的成功在于他的能力、勤奋和正直。 派生词: ①industrial adj.工业的;产业的 industrial nations 工业发达国家 公众号:书思韵 1. industry ②industrialize v.使工业化;实现工业化 the industrialized nations 工业化国家 (补充构词法知识:-ize使……化:使现代化modern-modernize;使普及popular- popularize;集权central-centralize;使全球化global-globalize;使正常化 normal-normalize;社会化social-socialize;使专门化special-specialize) ③industrialization n.工业化 large-scale industrialization 大规模的工业化 公众号:书思韵 1. industry ④industrious adj.勤恳的,刻苦的 Managers rated those at the office to be more dependable and industrious, regardless of the quality of their work. Visibility creates the illusion of value. 管理者认为不管办公质量如何,那些在办公室工作的员工更加勤奋可靠,看见员工 工作给人一种他在创造价值的假象。(来源:经济学人) 真题例句: But now, even those in the industry are wondering if technology has taken a truly dangerous hold on all of us – and especially children. (2018杨浦二模-十一选十) 公众号:书思韵 2. inevitable 基本词意及用法: ①adj. 不可避免的 It is inevitable that there will be job losses. 裁员已是不可避免的事。 ②adj. 总会发生的;照例必有的 They drank their inevitable cups of tea after lunch. 他们饭后例行饮茶。 公众号:书思韵 2. inevitable ③n. (the inevitable)必然发生的事 You have to accept the inevitable. 你得接受必然发生的事。 近义词: unavoidable adj. Any abuses, he said, were isolated mistakes unavoidable in a war. 他说,任何虐待都是战争中不可避免但彼此并无关联的错误。(来源:New York Times) 公众号:书思韵 2. inevitable 派生词: inevitability n.必然性 the inevitability of death 死亡的必然性 真题例句: Much of the imported coffee is of inferior quality. (2021长宁一模-十一选十) 公众号:书思韵 3. inferior 基本词意及用法: ①adj. (质量等)差的,次的 be of inferior quality ……质量较差 ②adj. (地位、能力等)低等的;下级的 She prefers the company of those who are intellectually inferior to herself. 她喜欢与那些智力水平不如她的人共处。 公众号:书思韵 3. inferior ③n. 下级,下属;能力低下者 his social and intellectual inferiors 社会地位和知识水平不如他的人 派生词: inferiority n. 下等;劣质性 a sense of social inferiority 社交自卑感 公众号:书思韵 3. inferior As China has boomed, its managers have started to shed their inferiority complex. 随着中国经济发展,中国企业的本土经理们也不再自卑。(来源:经济学人) 反义词: superior ①adj.优于……的;更高级的 When does mass transit prove superior to private vehicles? 大 ... ...

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