
上海高考英语考纲词汇重难点讲解Part 9(PDF版课件)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:88次 大小:506782Byte 来源:二一课件通
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上海高考英语考纲 词汇重难点讲解 Part 9 SHUSIYUN 公众号:书思韵 本期重点词汇 join judge keep knock lack last lead level limit load long look majority make mean 公众号:书思韵 1. join 基本词意及用法: ①v. 参与活动 join the strike 加入了罢工的行列 ②v. 加入队伍;排队 Make sure you join the queue inside the hospital. 在医院里一定要排队。 公众号:书思韵 1. join ③v. 连接;接合 Two springs are joined together by a string. 两根弹簧由一根细绳连在一起。 ④n. 连接处;接合点;接头 It’s been glued back together so well you can hardly see the join. 它一直被紧密粘在一起,你几乎看不到连接处。 公众号:书思韵 1. join 词组及固定搭配: join a queue/row/line 排队(等候) the point where the creek joins the river 小溪与河流的交汇处 join sb. in doing 加入某人(一起做某事) be joined to sth. 连接到 the point where the two bones join 两块骨头的接合处 公众号:书思韵 1. join 派生词: joint: ①n. 接合处;关节 His joints ache it he exercises.他一运动关节就疼。 ②adj. 联合的,共同的 make joint efforts 共同努力 joint enterprise 合资企业 a joint statement 联合声明 公众号:书思韵 2. judge 基本词意及用法: ①n. 法官;审判官 A judge must be free from prejudice. 法官不应存在偏见。 ②v. 为竞赛等担任裁判;评定 Entrants will be judged in two age groups. 参赛者将分成两个年龄段接受评判。 公众号:书思韵 2. judge ③v. 判断;评价;认为 It’s for other people to judge how much you have improved. 你有多大的进步应该由其他人来评价。 ④v. 估计,猜测数量、大小、价值等 It’s important to judge the weight of your washing load correctly. 正确估计待洗衣物的重量很重要。(来源:柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典) 公众号:书思韵 2. judge 词组及固定搭配: judge(…) from/by… 从……来判断 judge sb. (to be) good 认为某人是好的 谚语: Do not judge a book by its cover. =Never judge a person by his appearance. 不要以貌取人。 公众号:书思韵 2. judge 派生词: judgement n.审判,判决;判断力 Many activists ’side expected the Supreme Court to overrule its previous judgment. 很多活动分子希望最高法院能废除之前的这项判决。 (来源:BBC 2018年9月) 公众号:书思韵 3. keep 基本词意及用法: ①v. 使保持 For several years I kept in touch with my friends. 几年来,我一直和朋友们保持联系。 ②v. 阻碍或防止、阻碍……做 What can we do to keep it from happening again? 我们怎样防止它再次发生? 公众号:书思韵 3. keep ③v. 保守;隐瞒 I know that you are keeping something from me. 我知道你有事瞒着我。 ④v. 遵守;恪守 He has again failed to keep his word. 他又食言了。 公众号:书思韵 3. keep ⑤n. 生活费用 He will earn his keep in a local restaurant while studying. 他求学期间会在当地的一家餐馆赚取生活费。 词组及固定搭配: keep one’s word 信守诺言 keep back one’s tears 忍住眼泪 have a wife and family to keep 要养家 公众号:书思韵 3. keep keep on blowing one’s nose 一直在擤鼻子 Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。 keep to遵守;保持,坚持 (近义短语:stick to,persist in,persevere in,hold out,insist on, adhere to,cling to) 公众号:书思韵 4. knock 基本词意及用法: ①v. 碰,撞 He accidentally knocked the bottle off the shelf. 他不小心把架 ... ...

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