
上海高考英语考纲词汇重难点讲解Part 14(PDF版课件)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:512910Byte 来源:二一课件通
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上海高考英语考纲 词汇重难点讲解 Part 14 SHUSIYUN 公众号:书思韵 本期重点词汇 stamp stand start state stick stimulate stock strand strike subject substance superior suspect take tempt 公众号:书思韵 1. stamp 基本词意及用法: ①n. 印章;图章;印记 I may live only where the stamp in my passport says I may. 我只能在护照上盖的印记所规定的地方居住。 ②v. 盖章;打(戳记) It’s common practice that car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 汽车生产商会在新车的好几处地方打上车辆识别号码,以便于追查被盗车辆,这 是惯例。 公众号:书思韵 1. stamp ③v. (因生气、双脚发冷等)跺脚 The beggar stamped his feet on the pavement to keep out the cold. 这位乞丐在人行道上跺着双脚取暖。 ④n. 特征;痕迹;烙印 flowers that bore the stamp of years of confident care 显然多年来一直受到精心照料的花 公众号:书思韵 1. stamp ⑤v. 表明;显示出 He talked to social workers and the police-that had stamped him as a bad citizen. 他和社会福利工作者及警方都谈过话———因此他便成为不良市民。 短语及固定搭配: stamp one’s authority on 在……中树立威信 stamp sth. out 踩灭;镇压,压制 公众号:书思韵 1. stamp 听力原声例句: But critics say he’s done little to improve the lives of ordinary Senegalese. He’s also been accused of trying to stamp out dissent. 但是有批评人士称他在提升普通塞内加尔民众生活上做的不够,他同样被指责镇压反 对意见。 真题例句: Present your completed Tax Free Forms, receipts , passport, and purchased items to get a stamp.(崇明区2019一模) 公众号:书思韵 2. stand 基本词意及用法: ①v. (建筑物、家具等)位于 The house stands alone on top of a hill. 房子孤零零地坐落在一座山顶上。 ②v. 依然存在,矗立 There are very few buildings left standing. 几乎没有几个建筑物留存下来。 公众号:书思韵 2. stand ③n. 态度;立场 He felt obliged to make a stand against racism. 他感觉不得不表明自己对种族主义的反对态度。 ④v. 持……态度(或立场) So far, the candidate hasn’t said where he stands. 迄今为止,候选人还没有表明自己的态度。 公众号:书思韵 2. stand ⑤v. 处于(某种状况或局面) stand accused of doing… 因做某事被指责 ⑥v. 身高为……;高度为…… The newly-built dam stands 700 feet high. 新修建的大坝高达700英尺。 公众号:书思韵 2. stand ⑦v. 经得起,承受得住 These books can stand comparison with works by Dickens. 这些书能和狄更斯的作品相媲美。 短语及固定搭配: stand on one’s own 靠自己 stand for 代表,象征 make sb’s hair stand on end 使某人毛发悚然 stand by 站在一边;袖手旁观 公众号:书思韵 2. stand stand out 突出;出色 stand/bear/endure (one’s) doing sth. 忍受(某人做)某事 standing committee 常委 真题例句: You don’t nurse a relationship by spending every waking second with them until you can’t stand the sight of each other, and you can’t produce a novel by breathing down its literary neck. (长宁区2019一模) 公众号:书思韵 3. start 基本词意及用法: ①v. 使开始;使发生 Some people tend to start a day with a shower. 有些人习惯以沐浴来开启新的一天。 ②v. 惊起;吓一跳;激灵 She started at the loud noise ... ...

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