
人教版七年级上Unit 1 My name's Gina. Section A(1a-2d)核心素养目标教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:37次 大小:69298Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Section A (1a-2d) Teaching Aims 1.语言能力:听懂有关自我介绍和简单问候他人的短对话,读懂Linda, Helen互相打招呼的对话。 2.文化意识:了解西方初次见面的礼节,学会自我介绍与问候他人,培养与他人交往的能力。 3.思维品质:初步学习在听力和阅读的过程中把握具体的信息。 4.学习能力:有意识地运用知识迁移策略介绍自己的名字并简单问候他人。 Teaching Difficulties 介绍自己的名字,简单问候他人。 Teaching Aids multimedia courseware or other realia that the T needs for teaching Teaching Procedures Tips Step 1 Revision & Lead in Show Ss teaching goals in this class. T: Morning everyone. Today we are going to learn to use pronouns to introduce different things or people. Show Ss pictures and ask them to make conversations using the target sentence patterns and words on P5. Step 1: Show Ss pictures of a cup, a jacket, a map, an orange, a ruler, and a key. And ask them using the sentence pattern: What’s this / What is that Ss answer the questions with the sentence pattern: It’ s … (There may be some grammar mistakes in their answers like: This is a … or That is a … T must correct them in time.) Step 2: Show the new words and expressions and ask them to read after the tape. (While Ss are reading, T must correct their pronunciation to make sure they can read correctly.) Step 3: ask Ss to watch a video about a hello song. (Encourage Ss to sing after the song because the lyrics and melody are easy for them.) Step 2 Presentation & Practice 听力环节进行之前,让学生先看图片,用英语猜测内容,不但帮助学生复习已经学过的句型,激发学生思考新单词和句型,从心理上降低了学生面对听力时的难度。 听力部分对于学生来说可能成为障碍。通过观看视频帮助学生具体的了解听力材料的信息,再通过跟读听力材料,加深学生对材料的理解,同时让学生两两对话更加充分的练习了听力能力。 Before-listening Ask Ss to see the picture and finish different tasks. Step 1: Ask Ss to observe the picture and share their opinions. The T can use the following prompts: Here are many students. They meet in their new school. What are they doing now What can you see in the picture (Encourage Ss to talk about their ideas in groups and then share in class. They can share one by one in groups or they can ask one S member to share. T must encourage them because they just enter middle school and they need more oral practice which can give them encouragement and confidence.) 1a Step 2: Ask Ss to write English words for the things in the picture in 1a. (Ask Ss to say and spell the words one by one to make sure they understand the meaning of each picture and can spell the words correctly.) Answers: map cup book ruler clock schoolbag basketball Step 3: Ask Ss to underline the names in the pictures. (Ask Ss to read the names one by one to make sure they can read the names correctly.) 1b&1c While-listening&Post-listening Step 1: Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and number the conversations [1-3] in 1b. T: We have talked about so many things and students in the new school. Now let’s listen and number the conve ... ...

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