
鲁教版九年级英语 Unit 1 When was it invented? Section B (2a-2e) Reading 全英说课课件 (共21张PPT)

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:85次 大小:5330681Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 When was it invented Reading Section B (2a—2e) Teaching Aims and demands Contents Students’ Analysis Teaching Aids Teaching Process 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Teaching feedback 1 Status & Function 1:Teaching Material In this unit, students will get in touch with the passive voice, which is a new grammar. And it’s important and a little bit difficult. In the prior periods of this unit, students have got in touch with the passive voice and realized what the passive voice is constructed and what it expresses. So in this period, I make “improve students’ reading ability” as a key point. Teaching Aims and demands Contents Students’ Analysis Teaching Aids Teaching Process 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Teaching feedback 1 2.Students’ Analysis Students of Grade 9 Students’ reading ability in our school is poor. When they meet long articles, some of them don’t know what to do. So my aim is to make them master how to analyze a long article. Here, we need a new learning strategy—Mind-mapping. Teaching Aims and demands Contents Students’ Analysis Teaching Aids Teaching Process 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Teaching feedback 1 projector Learning paper pictures Multimedia 3.Teaching Aids Teaching Aims and demands Contents Students’ Analysis Teaching Aids Teaching Process 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Teaching feedback 1 First of all,most of the students will be able to master some words, phrases and key sentences. Secondly, students will be able to use the mind-mapping to remember information and their reading ability can improve. Thirdly, by learning the article, students can learn the history of basketball. They also know that playing basketball is a good way to keep healthy. So we should love basketball, love sports and love our life. 4.Teaching Aims and Demands The important point of this period is to improve students’ reading ability. The difficult point of this period is how to use mind-mapping to remember information. Teaching Aims and demands Contents Students’ Analysis Teaching Aids Teaching Process 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Teaching feedback 1 1 Lead in 2 Pre-reading 3 While reading 4 Post reading 5 Homework 5.Teaching Process Lead in First, I’ll greet the students with daily conversations. And then I’ll let them talk about sports played in China. Next show them some pictures, then let them talk about which sport is the most popular in China and which sport is their favorite and why. Pre-reading Basketball is very important all over the world. Some boys in our class like playing basketball after class. Students in groups talk about basketball and give the whole class some information about it. While reading There are 4 tasks I have designed. Task 1 Students scan the article. While reading, they can draw pictures on the paper. Then complete the mind-mapping with the information from the reading. Task 2 Students read the article again,then answer the following questi ... ...

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