
Unit 3 A visit to Garden City (Stage 1) 教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:45次 大小:448322Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 3 A visit to Garden City (Stage 1) Reading: Relatives and their jobs 设计说明 本节课以职业为主,首先让学生小组活动,谈论自己父母的工作,并进行小组汇报,增进学生对职业的了解,由此导入新课。结合图片和语境呈现生词,为后面的学习做好铺垫。设置听力活动,让学生先理清对话中李家的家庭成员。接下来,精读对话,设置读后回答问题的活动,让学生深入理解对话内容。通过角色扮演,可以使学生更自然地进行互动,学生在英语课堂上的发言机会也会更多。然后,让学生就对话中的人物编写对话,创设对话情境,这可以让学生敢于表达,开动脑筋,互动起来。通过填写人物与职业的信息,教会学生提取有效信息进行一一对应。还可将对话内容整合成一篇小短文,让学生填空,由此可检验并加深学生对对话的理解。讲解重要的知识点,让学生学考点、抓重点。最后结合部分练习,查缺补漏。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标: 1. 知识目标 掌握本课节新词汇:since, quite, quite a few, machine 句子:Kitty’s cousins, Lucy and Simon, have come to Garden City to visit the Li family. How long has she been a teacher She has been a teacher for quite a few years. 2. 能力目标 能读懂介绍不同职业的文章;能够通过略读文章获取特定信息。 3. 情感目标 学生通过对各种工作的了解,逐渐认识到社会生活需要各行各业,并懂得我们的生活离不开各行各业的劳动者。 重点难点 重点:能读懂有关介绍不同职业的文章。 难点:能够通过略读文章获取特定信息。 教学准备 PPT课件;活动Read的录音;有关生词的图片 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Free talk. 1. Let the students work in groups. Talk about their parents’ jobs. They can use the following as a sample: A: What does your father do B: My father is a teacher. A: What does your mother do B: She is a doctor. 2. Ask them to write down the information. Then report like this: Li Ming’s father is a teacher. He teaches in No. 2 Middle School. His mother works in a hospital. She is a doctor... Step 2 Presentation 1. Present some new words: since, quite, quite a few, machine. since prep. 从……以来;自从 Shanghai is a beautiful city. We’ve lived here since 1994. quite adv. 相当;十分 The two schoolbags are quite different. a few 几个 → quite a few相当多;不少 machine n. 机器;机器装置 This is a big machine. 2. Let the students read the words and phrases for a few minutes. since prep. 从……以来;自从 quite adv. 相当;十分 quite a few相当多;不少 machine n. 机器;机器装置 Step 3 Listen Task 1 1. Let the students listen to the dialogue. Then complete the family tree. 2. Ask some students to share their answers. 3. Check the answers together. Answers: (1) David (2) Weiming Task 2 Play the recording for the students to listen to. Ask them to repeat after the recording. Step 4 Read Task 1 1. Let them read the dialogue and answer the following questions. (1) What’s Aunt Maggie’s job (2) How long has she been a teacher (3) What does she teach in a school (4) What’s Uncle David’s job (5) How long has he been a policeman (6) What does he do as a policeman (7) What’s Uncle Weiming’s job (8) How long has he been an engineer (9) What does he do as an engineer 2. Check th ... ...

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