
外研版九年级英语上册课件Module 9 Great inventions Unit 2 (共13张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:77次 大小:563712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 外研 九年级上 objective To learn to use the expressions: look through by hand as a result/as a result of result compare…to… amount replace Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home. 每天晚上,我妈妈都在家翻阅杂志。 look through: 快速阅读;浏览 1) Would you quickly look through the composition for me and see if there are any mistakes 你能帮我迅速浏览一下这篇作文,看看有没有错误吗? 2) Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts. 门一关上,彼得就开始查看邮件。 2. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand. 在那个年代,书是靠手工制作的,一次只能制作一本。 by hand: 用手(做) 1)All these toys are made by hand. 所有这些玩具都是手工制作的。 2)All the beds in my home are made by hand. 我们家所有的床都是手工做的。 3. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive. 这样一来,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。 as a result: 作为结果;因此,表示某种情况或行为所带来的后果,通常单独使用。 1)He works hard at his lessons. As a result, he can pass all the exams. 他努力学习功课。因此,他可以通过所有的考试。 2)There was an earthquake in that region. As a result, several people were killed. 那个地区发生了地震,结果砸死了一些人。 “as a result of+名词或名词性短语” 作为……的结果;由于,表示原因。 1) She was late as a result of the snow. 由于下雪,她迟到了。 2) As a result of warning, nobody was hurt. 由于得到了警告,因此没有人受伤。 拓展 4. A trade in books resulted, and more people learnt to read. 图书贸易开始发展,更多的人开始读书。 1) When water levels rise, flooding results. 水位上升,就会发洪水。 2) Many hair problems result from what you eat. 很多头发问题是由你吃的东西引起的。 3)This accident results in the death of two passengers. 这起事故导致两名乘客死亡 。 result vi.“(因……而)产生;发生”, 5. In a way, we can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century. 在某种程度上,我们可以将造纸术和印刷术的发明与20世纪互联网的引入相媲美。 1) If you compare her work to his, you'll find hers is much better. 要是把他俩的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好得多。 2)Some people have compared books to friends. 有些人把书比作朋友。 compare…to…: 与…相比较;将…比作… 6. A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet than in books. 大量的信息可以以各种形式存储在互联网上,比书籍的存储量要大很多。 amount : “量;数量” ,通常用于 a (great/ large) amount of 这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。 1) I still do a certain amount of work for them. 我仍旧为他们做一定数量的工作。 2) The company is spending a large amount of money to develop new products. 该公司投入大量资金开发新产品。 7. Will books be replaced by the Internet 书将会被网络所代替吗? be replaced by “被…所取代” replace…with… “用…代替” 1) The broken chair was replaced by a new one. 那把坏椅子被一把新椅子取代了。 2) They replaced the old windows with new ones. 他们用新窗户代替了旧窗户。 Quiz I. 用方框中所给 ... ...

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