
【创新方案】高中英语人教选修六 配套同步课件(全20份)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:11718886Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件64张PPT。课时跟踪检测Unit 1Section Ⅱ语言点一语言点二语言点三识记掌握理解拓展应用落实识记掌握理解拓展应用落实识记掌握理解拓展应用落实A.词义配对 1.shadow  A.the dark shape that sb./sth.'s form makes on a surface 2.predict B.what you are hoping to achieve by a plan, action or activity 3.typical C.to say that something will happen in the future 4.coincidence D.an act of trying to do sth., especially sth.difficult, often with no success5.attempt E.having the usual features or qualities of a particular type of person, group or thing 6.aim F.the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way答案:1.A 2.C 3.E 4.F 5.D 6.BB.根据构词法(-ly, -al, -ion)写出单词 7.faithful (adj.)→_____(adv.) 8.evident (adj.)→_____(adv.) 9.possess (vt.)→_____ (n.) 10.adopt (vt.)→_____ (n.)11.convention (n.)→_____ (adj.) 12.controversy (n.)→_____ (adj.) 答案:7.faithfully 8.evidently 9.possession 10.adoption 11.conventional 12.controversial1.faith n.信任;信心;信念 [教材P1原句] Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. 艺术是受一个民族生活习俗和信仰影响的。 ①Teachers developed faith in Tom gradually. 老师们渐渐对汤姆有了信心。 ②Faith can move mountains. [谚]精诚所至,金石为开。(1)have faith in sb./sth.  对某人/某事有信心 lose faith in 不再信任;对……失去信心 (2)faithful adj. 忠实的 be faithful to sb./sth. 忠实于某人/某事③He has blind faith in what she says. 他盲目信赖她所说的每一句话。 ④A faithful friend is always you in times of trouble. 一个忠诚的朋友总是在困难的时候对你忠诚。faithful to[语境串记] The faithful servant has served his faithless master faithfully for 20 years. 这位忠实的仆人已为他不忠诚的主人忠实地服务了20年。2.aim [教材P2原句] During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. 在中世纪,画家的主要任务是把宗教的主题表现出来。achieve one’s aim     达到目的 take aim (at) (向……)瞄准 without aim 漫无目的地 with the aim of 以……为目标;意在……(1)n.[C]目标;目的[U]瞄准①Yao Ming studied hard in Shanghai Jiao Tong University to achieve his aim. 为了实现他的目标,姚明在上海交通大学努力学习。 ②The project was set up helping young unemployed people. 建立这个项目的目的是给失业青年提供帮助。with the aim ofaim (...) at ...    使(……)瞄准…… aim to do sth. 目标是做某事;力争达到…… be aimed at (doing) sth. 旨在……;目的在于……(2)vi. & vt.瞄准; (向某方向)努力;目的在于③He was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake. 他瞄准树射击,不料误中了那辆车。 ④We aimed to set up a new factory. 我们的目的是建一所新工厂。 ⑤These English materials are the pre-school children. 这些英语材料是针对学前儿童的。aimed at3.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;特有的 [教材P2原句] A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. 这个时期的典型的绘画充满了宗教的特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴与敬重。①He is a typical pupil, who is like most of the other pupils. 他是一个有代表性的学生,和大 ... ...

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