
新人教版教材高中英语主题晨读 第4周 主题语境8 积极的生活态度

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:35次 大小:54698Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第4周 主题语境8 积极的生活态度 主题语境与新高考 2020全国卷Ⅰ,阅读七选五 主题语境与新教材 选择性必修三 UNIT 5 1.abnormal adj.不正常的 2.approve v. 批准;同意 3.approval n. |U|批准;同意 4.approving adj. 赞成的;同意的 5.applaud v. 鼓掌;称赞 6.content adj. 满意的 7.convince vt. 使确信 8.convinced adj. 确信的;相信的 9.convincing adj.令人信服的 10.contradict v.驳斥;相矛盾 11.contradictory adj. 互相矛盾的 12.contrary n.& adj. 相反;相反的 13.contrast vt.&vi. (使)形成对照;(使)形成对比 14.cross adj. 脾气不好的;易怒的 15.critical adj. 批评的 16.desperate adj. 绝望的 17.mental adj. 精神的;脑力的 mentally adv.精神地;心理地 18.negative adj. 消极的;负面的 19.objective adj. 客观的 20.neutral adj. 中立的 21.optimistic adj. 乐观的 22.object vi. 反对 objection n. 反对;异议 23.positive adj. 积极的 24.physical adj. 身体的;物理的 25.physically adv. 身体地;物理地 26.pessimistic adj. 悲观的 27.relieve vt. 缓解;减轻 relieved adj. 感到宽慰的;感到安心的 28.stress n. 压力,紧张 stressful adj.有压力的 stressed adj.感到有压力的 29.subjective adj. 主观的               1.be ashamed of shortcomings/weaknesses 为缺点/弱点感到羞愧 2.be positive/optimistic about life 对生活积极/乐观 3.be enthusiastic about 对……热情 4.experience loneliness 经历孤独 5.be bored with/be tired of 厌倦…… 6.be content/satisfied with 对……满足/满意 7.calm down 平静下来 8.cheer up 振作起来 9.keep a good mental state 保持良好的精神状态 10.on a consistent basis 一贯地 11.let sb. down 使某人失望                12.in high/low spirits 情绪高昂/情绪低落 13.have/take/adopt a positive attitude to life 积极的生活态度 14.go through a time of stress 经历压力时期 15.negative emotions 消极情绪 16.handle/deal with/reduce/relieve stress 处理/缓解/减轻压力 17.make a change 作出改变 18.in favour of 支持;赞成 19.feel more grateful than ever 更感恩 20.reduce anxiety 减少焦虑 21.under pressure/stress 在压力下 22.restore confidence 恢复自信 1.First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Moreover, go outdoors and play team games with your friends, as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. Finally, remain optimistic about your future. Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits.(乐观态度) 2.Talk with your close friends about your problems and ask them for help. This is an important way to solve your problems. Additionally, think positively, as this will relieve your pressure, making studying easy. Thirdly, set aside some time for exercise, which can not only build up your body, but also refresh your mind. Lastly, you can listen to your favourite music when possible.(处理压力)   假定你是李华,你刚旅游归来,收获很多。请给你校英文报写一篇短文,内容包括:1.旅游过程;2.旅游感悟。 Last weekend I made a trip to Mount Tai, Shandong Province, by myself. After weeks of preparation and a two hours bus ride, I arrived at the foot of the mountain, curious and cheerful. As I c ... ...

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