
新人教版教材高中英语主题晨读 第8周 主题语境15 文学、艺术和体育——艺术

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:27次 大小:54760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第8周 主题语境15 文学、艺术和体育———艺术 主题语境与新高考 2020全国卷Ⅱ,完形填空 2020全国卷Ⅲ,语法填空 主题语境与新教材 必修二 UNIT 5 选择性必修三 UNIT 1 1.artistic adj. 艺术的 2.antique adj.古老的,古董的 n.文物,古董 3.applause n. 喝彩 4.background n. 背景 5.design n.&vt. 设计,图案,图样,样式 6.display n.&vt.展示;陈列 7.drawing n. 绘画,绘图 8.exhibit vt.&vi. 展示;陈列;表现 n.展览品 9.exhibition n. 展览;展览会 10.figure n. 数字;(人的)体形;人物;(绘画、雕刻)人物像 vt. 认为;计算 11.dialogue n. 对白 12.line n. 台词 13.live adj. 现场直播的 14.costume n.服装 15.painting n. 油画;水彩画 painter n.画家 16.gallery n.画廊 17.photograph n.照片 18.photographer n.摄影师 19.performer n.演员 20.playwright n.剧作家 21.record n. 记录;唱片 22.thorough adj. 彻底的;详尽的;缜密的 23.sculpture n.雕塑,雕刻,雕刻作品,雕像 24.statue n.塑像;雕像 25.magnificent adj.壮观的 26.represent vt. 代表;描写;象征 27.splendid adj.辉煌的;壮丽的 28.visual adj.视觉的 visually adv. 视觉上地 29.valuable adj.有价值的 invaluable adj.无价的 30.appeal vi. 有吸引力;有感染力 appealing adj. 吸引人的;有感染力的 unappealing adj.不吸引人的                 1.architectural wonders 建筑奇迹 2.on exhibition/display/show 在展览中 3.appreciate/admire works of art 欣赏艺术品 4.historic collections 历史收藏品 5.get across the theme to the audience 使观众理解主题 6.professional stage actor 专业的舞台演员 7.be shaped like ... 形状像…… 8.dance to music 伴着音乐跳舞 9.adopt non traditional techniques 采用非传统的技巧 10.make one s first appearance 首次露面                 11.enjoy/appreciate classic music 欣赏古典音乐 12.be well received 深受欢迎 13.lose sight of 忽略 14.true to life 逼真 15.put on 演出,上演 16.play the part/role of ... 扮演(某一角色) 17.sense of beauty 美感 18.the values of hands on experience and craftwork 实践经验和手工艺的价值 19.recognize the value of jazz 认可爵士乐的价值 20.to one s taste 符合某人的口味 1.The music festival will last four hours in total and have many wonderful performances, including some traditional music pieces played with Chinese instruments, like pipa, guzheng and flute. In addition, some traditional Chinese dances will be performed by us students. What s more important is that some famous Chinese musicians will show up to give performances. (2019·全国卷Ⅲ·音乐节) 2.Obsessed with music, I have a strong desire to know more, thus hoping you can touch upon it. For one thing, I consider it an easy way to help us get close to each other while appreciating music, one universal and magical language in the world. For another, despite my passion for music, I have a poor understanding of the history of music.(2019·天津高考·音乐)   假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Sophia发来邮件说她创作的一幅中国画被选为学校美术馆的展示作品,请给她回封邮件,内容包括:1.向她表示祝贺;2.询问她作品的相关事情;3.对她进行鼓励。 Dear Sophia, I m glad to hear that your Chinese painting has been selected for an exhibition in your school gallery. That s amazing news. Congra ... ...

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