
Module 2 Unit 5 That's my family Period 4 课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:37次 大小:24185702Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 2 My family, my friends and me Unit 5 That’s my family Showing my family album Period 4 Words 1 Sentences 2 young / old Is he/she… Yes./No. This is … He/She is … He/She can… Preview family photo family photos family album Review Last period… This period… Let’s say! Who are they She’s my mummy, kind and dear. He’s my daddy, standing near. He’s my brother, thin and tall. She’s my sister, nice to all. That’s my family. She’s my mummy, kind and dear. That’s my family He’s my daddy, standing near. He’s my brother, thin and tall. She’s my sister, nice to all. We are a happy family. We are a happy family. Let’s sing! Let’s listen! Anne What are they talking about Is Anne’s brother young Listen and answer They are talking about family photos. Yes, he is. What are they talking about Is Anne’s brother young Listen and answer They are talking about family photos. Yes, he is. _____. Think and answer Is he your brother Yes, he is. No. He is my father. She’s my _____. Listen and answer Who is she sister grandmother mother What can your mother do She can _____. Listen and answer _____. Listen and answer Is your brother young Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Look! This is my family album. It’s nice. Family Album Show my family album This is my grandfather. He is old. He can read. This is my grandmother. She is old, too. She can cook. This is me. I’m young and short in this photo. I can run. This is my younger brother. He is young and naughty. He can’t run. This is my mother. She is short and thin. She can sing. This is my father. He is tall and thin. He can dance. He’s young in that photo. This is my big family. I love my family! Family Album Show my family album My Family This is my family photo/album. This is my father/mother/... He’s/She’s tall/young/... He/She can dance/sing... I love my family! Now it’s your turn to show your family album. 30 seconds Sum up Family Album My Family This is my family photo/album. This is my father/mother/... He’s/She’s tall/young/... He/She can dance/sing... I love my family! Homework 1. Read Unit 5. 2. Make and introduce your family album. This is my family photo/album. This is my father/mother/... He’s/She’s tall/young/... He/She can... I love my family! Family Album See you!

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