
Unit 2 topic 2 What does she look like?Section A 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:10858039Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Looking different Topic 2 What does she look like Section A Learning objectives By the end of the class, I will be able to: 1. Talk about colors. 2. Continue to talk about people’s appearances. 一般地,与人身体各部位搭配的形容词是有规律可循的, 要有一定的选择,可以参考下表: English name David Lee Age 12 Class Class Two, Grade Seven Nationality China Look hair eyes ears nose mouth face Review Please describe Li Ping according to the chart. Part1 Warming up Appearence organ (器官) shape, size color red white orange black / red/ /waIt/ /' rInd / /bl k/ Presentation What color is it It's . /greI/ A: What color is it B: It is _____. gray A:What color is it B:It’s _____. green A:What color is it B:It’s _____. yellow / gri:n/ /'jel u/ A:What color is it B:It’s _____. purple A:What color is it B:It’s _____. brown /'p3:(r)pl/ /braun/ A: What color is her hair B: It’s _____. blond /bl nd/ B: It is _____. A: What color is her hair / blu:/ blue A: What color are they B: They are _____. pink /pI k/ A:What color are they B:They are _____ . black and white A:What color are the apples B:They are _____. red A: What color are her eyes B: They're _____. black B: They're _____. A: What color are his eyes blue + = + = + = purple orange What color is it green red orange green blue brown purple yellow pink black gray white Say it out loud blond --What color is it --It's... 附庸风雅 唐诗宋词有许多是借用颜色来表达诗意的。下面的古诗中少了表示颜色的单词,请用你的巧手为它们着“色”,写出相应的英语单词。 1.等闲识得东风面,万_____千_____总是春。 2.日出江花_____胜火,春来江水_____ 如_____  。 3.两个_____鹂鸣翠柳,一行_____鹭上青天。 4.停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶_____于二月花。 5._____毛浮_____水,_____掌拨清波。 purple red yellow blue green red white white red red green Read aloud 白色 黑色 蓝色 金黄色 绿色 橙色 灰色 粉红色 紫色 黄色 红色 棕色 white black blue blond green orange gray pink purple yellow red brown Describe the colors of your things (pens, schoolbags, books…). 两人一组,描述你的学习用品或你身边的事物。 e.g. A: What color is it /... B: It’s … A: What color are they/... B: They are … Pair work 3 Guess first, then listen, check and color the pictures. √ √ √ √ √ Activity 3 What color is ... It's... . What color are... They're... . Point out the colors in the picture and write them down. Colors _____ _____ _____ _____ black yellow green white pink blue brown purple red orange gray… What color is ... It's . What color are ... They are . Activity 2b Listen and answer. 1. Where is Yukio from 2. Do Kangkang and Yukio look the same 3. What does Michael look like 4. Are Kangkang and Michael good friends He is from Japan. Yes, they do. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Yes, they are. Activity 1a 1b Listen and complete the table. Name Country Color of hair Color of eyes Yukio black Michael America Kangkang China black Japan blond black blue black Tip: Write down the first one o ... ...

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