

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:40次 大小:1563300Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四年级英语PEP上册阶段性考试 时限:60分钟 满分:100分 听力部分(共四大题,计40分) 一、听辨字母、单词或词组(Letters,words and phrases)(1分×10=10分) A. 听音,选择你所听到的单词图片。听两遍。 ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. B.听音,选择你所听到的词组。听两遍。 ( )6.A. open the door B. turn on the light C. clean the board ( )7.A. sweep the floor B. clean the window C. put up the picture ( ) 8.A.listen to music B. do sports C. make friends ( ) 9.A.sit on the sofa B. make the bed C. watch TV ( )10.A.give me a spoon B. pass me a fork C. wash the plates 二、句子理解(Sentences)(答案填写在试卷答题卡上)(1分×10=10分) A. 听音,根据所听到句子,判断下列图片是否,是写“T”否写“F”。听两遍。 A. B. C. D. E. 11.( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14.( ) 15.( ) B.听音,选出你所听到的句子。听两遍。 16.( ) A. This is my new desk. B. This is my classroom. 17.( ) A. I have a new schoolbag. B.I have many books. 18.( ) A. He likes sports. B. He likes play computer games. 19.( ) A. Is this your bedroom B. Is this your bathroom 20.( ) A. I’d like some fish B. I’d like some beef. 三、对话理解(Dialogues)(答案填写在试卷答题卡上) A. 听音,用“√”选择与你所听对话相符的图片序号,再将答案填在答题卡上。听两遍。(1分×5=5分) 21.A. B. 22.A. B. 23.A. B. 24.A. B. 25.A. B. B. 听音,根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答语。听两遍。(1分×5=5分) 26. ( ) A. Miss Green is. B. She’s a teacher. 27. ( ) A .Yes, it is. B. Two pencils. 28. ( ) A. It’s my ruler. B. I have 2. 29. ( ) A. Yes, I do. B. I’d like some beef. 30. ( ) A. It’s near the door. B. Yes, it is. C.听音,根据你所听到的对话内容,给下列句子排序。听两遍。(1分×5=5分) A. Is this your ruler B. Oh, I see. Thank you! C. No, it isn’t. D. Hello, Lucy! E. Hello, Tom! 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 四、短文理解 (Passages) (答案填写在试卷答题卡上) 听音,根据所听到的内容选择单词并将序号填在相应横线上, 使意思合理、完整,每空一词,听两遍。(1分×5=5分) A .father B. driver C. doctor D. teacher E. farmer This is my mother. She’s a 36_____. She’s quiet. This is my 37 . He’s a 38 . He likes painting. My aunt is a 39_____. She likes flowers. My uncle is a 40_____. He likes his car. 笔 试 部 分(共五大题,计60分) 五、字母识记 根据所给字母,寻找规律,写出所缺的字母。(1分×5=5分) 六、单词运用 A.看图,根据首字母写单词, 并将完整单词抄写在答题卡上。(1分×5=5分) 46.w 47.c 48.e 49.f 50.c B.选择不同类的单词。(1分×5=5分) 51. ( ) A. rice B. soup C. light D. bread 52. ( ) A. thin B. long C. short D. sports 53. ( ) A. thirty B. pencil C. twenty D. fifty 54. ( ) A. cat B. door C. wall D. window 55. ( ) A. spoon B. water C. plate D. fork 七、句子理解 看图读句子,图片与句子意义相符写“T”,否则写“F”。 (2分×5=10分) ( ) 56.This is a board. ( ) 57. Sit on the sofa. ( ) 58.I like music. ( ) 59. Close the door. ( ) 60. They like sports. 八、情景会话 A. 补全对话,选择合适的选项完成对话。(1分×5=5分) A: This is my family photo. B: 61._____ A: Nine. B: 62._____ A: He’s my father. B: What’s your father A: 63. ... ...

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