
外研版七年级下册Module 11 Body language Unit 2课件(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:3741184Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them. finger foot knee leg mouth body foreign North American n. 手指 n. (pl. feet) 脚,足 n. 膝盖 n. 腿 n. 嘴,口 n. 身体,躯干 adj. 外国的 北美人 Words and expressions personal arm arm in arm South American hold move Britain adj. 个人的 n. 臂;手臂 臂挽臂地 南美人 v. (held) 握着;使不动 v. 移动 不列颠;英国 Words and expressions not at all polite somewhere wave fact in fact rude 一点也不 adj. 礼貌的 adv. 某处;某个地方 v. 挥(手);招(手);摆(手) n. 事实;细节 事实上 adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的 Words and expressions In India, people greet each other by _____ their hands _____ and _____. nod their heads putting together Do you remember the different ways of greeting around the world In New Zealand, Maori people greet each other by_____. touching noses In the USA , some people _____ and some kiss or _____. shake hands hug each other In Russia, people usually kiss three times, left, right, left. In Japan, people bow to each other when they meet. In France, people shake hands in the office every morning. How to say hello and goodbye to foreigners Can you act it out with your partner To learn more about differences in body language in different countries To be able to understand imperative sentences by talking about class rules To learn the words and expressions Words: finger foot knee mouth foreign body personal leg polite somewhere hold move rude Phrases: arm in arm move away not at all in fact close to You know, when we meet others, we often use our body to greet each other. Now, let’s learn about our body. 1 Can you say the part of your body eye finger foot knee leg mouth P68 Now, let’s play a game! Touch your … Read and find key sentence for each paragraph. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 How close do you stand when you talk a friend How about touching people Do you look at people when you talk How do you say goodbye Here are some ways to welcome them. Task 1 Read again and check the sentences. When you talk to a friend, you can stand close in the Middle East and North Americans. 2. Girls like walking arm in arm with their friends in China. 3. In Britain, people don’t like to touch other people. 4. It isn’t polite to look at people when you talk in the US and Britain. 5. In Greece, it isn’t polite to wave to say goodbye. Task 2 In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk. 1. Is body language the same in different countries 2. Is it all right to stand close to people in the Middle East 3. Do the British like touching people 4. Do Americans look at people when they talk 5. Do people in Greece wave goodbye No, it isn’t. Yes, it is. No, they don’t. Yes, they do. No, they don’t. 2. Answer the following questions. P69 Task 3 3 Check ( ) the body language you can use in different countries and places. Stand close Touch each other Look at people when talking Britain Middle East South America US P69 Task 4 和某人谈话 2. 挽着胳膊 3. 一点也不 4. ... ...

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