
Module 12 Unit2 Repeat these three words daily reduce, reuse and recycle.学案(教师版+学生版)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:63次 大小:116228Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 12 Save our world Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily reduce,reuse and recycle. 1、repeat v.重说;重新做 近义 retell v.复述 2、reduce v.减少;减低;缩小 短语 reduce(from…)to…(从…)诚少到 reduce by ...少了... 反义 increase 增加;增大 注意 reduce用于指重量、程度、数量、速度等减少或降低 3、Cloth n.布;布料 注意 cloth常用作不可数名词,当它指有某种用途的布时则为可数名词。 联想 clothes n.衣服;服装 1、tons of 许多,很多 5、rapid 近义 fast 6、step n.步骤;措施 短语 take steps采取措施 step by step逐步地 近义 measure n.措施 拓展 step v.跨步;走n.脚步;台阶 7、 do with对付,处理 【易混辨析】 do with与 deal with 两者都有“对付;处理”之意,其区别如下 (1) do with常与what连用,构成特殊疑问句。 (2) deal with常与how连用,构成特殊疑问句。 8、 divid...,into….把……分成 divide作动词,意为“分开;分隔”,指把一个整体分成若干部分,常与介词into连用,表示“把分成 【易混辨析】 divide与 separate Divide:指把整体分为若干部分,被分开的对象在一定的条件下具有统一性,常与介词into连用 separate常与from连用,表示“把……从分离”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的各个部分隔开,被分开的对象没有统一性 9、throw away 代词放中间 扔掉,丢弃 同类归纳 与away相关的短语 take away拿走 give away分发;泄露 put away将……收起来 run away逃离 10、be harmful to…对……有害 相当于 do harm to/ be bad for 反义短语 be good for意为“对……有好处” change…into…把…变成 = turn...Into... Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.I had to r_____ what I said because he didn't hear me clearly. 2.The government has closed some factories to r_____ air pollution. 3.According to the new p_____, Chinese couples may have a second child. 4.China has developed r_____ in recent years. 5.(2017·绍兴)The students were d_____ into four groups before doing experiments. 6.Do you have any _____ (塑料的) bottles to put in the recycling bin 7.If you follow these _____ (步骤), you can work out the problem. 8.The waste paper can be _____(再次使用). 9.If you take this job, you had better buy a pair of _____(橡胶) gloves first. 10.Old Henry has a very lovely _____(孙女). Her name is Lucy. Ⅱ.用所给短语的适当形式填空 as long as possible, hope for, throw away, be harmful to, find out 1.Reading in the sun _____ our eyes. 2.We all _____ a healthy environment. 3.Don't _____ the waste that can be recycled. 4.We should use things _____. 5.The twins look the same and we can't _____ the differences between them. Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.他们想要尽可能长时间地保存这瓶酒。 They want to keep the bottle of wine _____ _____ _____ _____. 2.我们是时候采取措施保护这些濒危动物了。 It's time for us to _____ _____ to protect these animals in danger. 3.你怎么处理那些废纸? What do you _____ _____ the waste paper 4.别扔掉那个箱子,我想把这些书放进去。 Don't _____ _____ the box. I want to put these books into it. 5.这些垃圾对我们的环境有害。 The rubbish _____ _____ _____ our environment. Ⅰ.1.repeat 2.reduce 3.policy 4.rapidly 5.divided 6.plastic 7.steps 8.reused 9.rubber 10.granddaughter Ⅱ.1.is harmful to 2.hope for 3.throw away 4.a ... ...

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