
Unit 3 My friends 单元检测卷(含答案)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:68次 大小:236497Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 单元检测卷-小学英语三年级上册译林版(三起) 一、单选题 1.Nice _____ see you _____. ( ) A.too; to B.to; to C.to; too 2.This is Su Hai, _____ is my friend. ( ) A.she B.he C.She's 3.—Happy birthday. ( ) —_____ A.Happy birthday. B.Thank you. C.OK. 4.Mike is my friend. Yang Ling is my friend, _____. ( ) A.to B.two C.too 5.She is _____ Tina. She is _____ Helen. ( ) A.a; а B.not; / C.not; a 二、情景选择 6.你向别人介绍自己的朋友海伦,你可以说:( ) A.This is my friend, Helen. B.Are you Helen 7.想告诉对方,这个女生是你的朋友,应该说:( ) A.Are you my friend B.She is my friend. C.He is my friend. 8.同学们上午上课前向李老师打招呼时会说:( ) A.Good morning, Miss Li. B.Good morning, class. C.Goodbye. Miss L.i. 三、根据字母/中文提示完成单词 单词拼写。 9.我的 _____ 10.朋友 _____ 11.这个 _____ 12.姐姐妹妹 _____ 13.也 _____ 14.他 _____ 15.她 _____ 16.它 _____ 四、补全句子 17.Tom and Mike are _____ (我的朋友们). 五、看图完成句子 18.—Is she Yang Ling —Yes. S_____ is my friend. 19.—Hi, Bobby. —Hello, Sam. This is my _____, Tina. 20.—Mum, Dad, this is my friend, Su Hai. —Nice to _____ you, Su Hai. 六、排序题 21.A.Good morning, Mike. B.She is my friend. C.Mike, this is Tina. D.Good morning, Liu Tao. E. Nice to meet you (见到你很高兴), Tina. D _____ _____ _____ _____ 七、选内容补全对话/短文 In the forest, there is a little __22__. One day, a little __23__ comes by. A: Hello, I’m Little Tree. My father is tall. My mother is __24__. B: Hello, I’m Little Bird. My father is big. My __25__ is beautiful. A &B: We are __26__! We all love each other. A.mother B.bird C.friends D.tree E.strong F.nice 八、阅读选择 Hello! My name is Nancy. I am eleven years old. I'm polite and hard working. Salad is my favourite food, because it's healthy for me. My favourite day is Monday. We have Chinese. maths, English and computer class on that day. But we don't have English on Wednesdays or Fridays. I like English very much. Miss Sun is my English teacher. She's clever and funny. Sometimes she's strict. She has black glasses for short sight. She can sing English songs well. After school I can swim with my good friend, Sam. He's a shy boy. He likes sweet food. And I can draw very well. I often draw cartoons on Saturdays. 27.Nancy is _____. ( ) A.clever and funny B.strict and shy C.polite and hard- working 28.Nancy likes salad, because it's _____. ( ) A.sweet B.fresh C.healthy 29.Nancy has English class _____. ( ) A.Wednesdays B.Thursdays C.Fridays 30."She has black glasses for short sight. "Here, short sight" means(意思是) _____. ( ) A.近视 B.矮个子 C.目光短浅 31.Nancy often _____ on Saturdays. ( ) A.sings English songs B.draws cartoons C.swims 九、阅读判断 Sam: Hi, Bobby! Bobby: Hi, Sam! Sam: This is my new friend. Tom: Good morning. I'm Tom. Bobby: Good afternoon. I'm Bobby! Sam: Ha! Ha! ... We are having a holiday (度假) in England now. 32.Tom is Sam's new friend. ( ) 33.Sam and Bobby are having a h ... ...

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