
Lesson 37 What's Your hobby? 课件(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:4608512Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) L37 What’s your hobby 初中二年级英语冀教版上册 1 2 3 4 What’s her hobby ['h bi] You are lucky! Here is a present (礼物) for you . 你周末喜欢干什么? What you to do do like on weekends What do you hate to do? Lesson 37 What’s your hobby Welcome! Welcome! I’m interested in … acting/dancing/drawing. playing football/basketball/ computer games. going skiing/shopping/fishing. reading/writing/taking photos. eating delicious food. stone stones collect stones [k 'lekt] [st n] concert concert ticket ['k ns t] ['t k t] garden gardening They are all kinds of hobbies. Do you like to exercise in your spare time [spe ] ['gɑ d( )n] ['gɑ d( )n ] Skim and choose the main idea. B. They are talking about their dreams and ambitions. They are talking about their hobbies and interests. Task 1 A new reading way: Fishbone main idea What does Wang Mei like to do Why does Li Ming enjoy playing ping- pong Main idea: talk about their hobbies and interests. How does Yang Hao think his hobby Who likes collecting things Swimming and skating Because it’s fun and keeps us healthy. He thinks it is interesting. Li Lin and Yi Han. Whose aunt loves going to concert Who has many interests Wang Mei’s. Tao Xiaolin. Scan the text earth moon sun [ θ] Is the sun a star It’s the closest star to Earth. Li Lin: I collect . If I find an interesting one, I take it home and it my collection. Yi Han: I like collecting too. I’m collecting all of concerts tickets. My family often helps me. I also my tickets other people. add sugar to coffee trade her fish for some potatoes Task 2 stones add to interested in kinds trade with Fill in the blanks [tre d] trade her fish with the man Read and listen. Then match them. Yang Hao Tao Xiaolin Yi Han Wang Mei Li Ming Describe each student’s hobby . Task 3 + likes doing… / enjoys doing… 1. Some people like (exercise) in the gym, and some enjoy (run) outside. 2. She likes sports very much. She often goes (skate) in the winter. 3. You’ve read many stories. I’m sure you would be interested in (write). 4. My hobby is (collect) all kinds of tickets. Fill in the blanks exercising running skating writing collecting Rules: When the music plays you must pass the “potato” to another student next to you. When the music stops, the one will hold and choose one piece of paper. You must act the phrase on the paper and all the students guess it. What do you think of the hobby What’s the most important for us What do you think of the hobby What’s the most important for us Useful 有益 Colorful 多彩 Confident 自信

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