
小学英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第二版) Level 6 High technology 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:19次 大小:15058956Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) High technology Lesson 1 What technology words can you remember electronic whiteboard email chat digital camera mobile computer ezine Technology internet text message mouse keyboard headphone microphone Listen and tick ( ) the technology words you hear. 4 3 2 1 Listen and match. 1 2 3 4 1 Hi, Shari. How are you 2 It’s twenty-five past ten. 3 I’ve got a text message on my mobile. 4 There’s a new ezine competition on the Internet. 5 Let’s write something for it. 6 Why don’t we do our first ezine article on technology Listen again. Who said it Shari. Dan. Alvin. Alvin. Shari. Read and choose the right words. DAN: Hi, Shari. How are you SHARI: Hi, Dan. I’m fine, thanks. Where’s Alvin DAN: I don’t know. He isn’t here. SHARI: That’s strange. It’s quarter past ten. He’s late. SHARI: Where is he It’s twenty-five past ten. The game starts in five minutes. DAN: Wait a minute. I’ve got a text message on my mobile. It’s from Alvin. ‘Come to my house quickly. V. important.’ SHARI: Very important! Come on then. Let’s go. NARRATOR: Internet Magazine Competition. Prize: New computers for your school. Write for the international school ezine. ALVIN: Look at this. There’s a new ezine competition on the internet. SHARI: There’s a prize for the best school ezine in the country. DAN: Yeah! And the winners can write for the international school ezine next year. ALVIN: Let’s write something for it and try and get some new computers for our school. SHARI: Why don’t we do our first ezine article on technology DAN: Great idea, Shari. That sounds v. exciting! Class survey Practice Practice Read and answer. 1 What’s an ezine It’s an internet magazine. 2 Who can enter the competition Students between the ages of 7 and 12 in any school can enter the competition. 3 How often must they write an article They must write an article every month. 4 What should the article include It should include text and photographs. 5 How many computers can they win They can win ten computers for their school. 6 What kind of ezine do the winner write for They write for an international school ezine. Students between the ages of 7 and 12. The best ezine wins new computers for your school. You can win ten! You must write an interesting article and add some photos. You must write more than one article, Sue! You must write one every month! Oh, Sue! Don’t be lazy! Listen and tick ( ) the box. Read and answer. How old are you Can you read this Have you got a computer What’s your favourite music Write three text messages for your friends to answer.

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