
Unit2 Lesson 11 Australia 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:14次 大小:18114560Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What country is it What do they talk about the capital city speak watch TV the flag apples Beijing They talk about… ★What’s the capital city of Australia Watch and answer: ★ What do they speak in Australia Read and answer: They speak English. Read and answer: What flag is this It’s Australia`s flag. What colour is it It`s blue. A little flag is inside Australia`s flag. beach Australia has many beautiful beaches. beautiful Kangaroos We can go to Australia to see a kangaroo. live in Australia. I hope to see a koala bear, too. Watch and imitate Tips :有感情的模仿不同人物的语音语调。 Tips :可介绍自己喜欢的国家,或者与你的伙伴一起介绍共同喜欢的国家。 I want to go to London in the U.K. See Big Ben along the way. Go to Australia to see a kangaroo. I hope to see a koala bear, too. In the U.S. I`d like to see . The Statue of Liberty. In Canada ,give my friends a call. See the CN Tower, and Niagara Falls. Back here in China ,there is so much to see. First Tian` anmen Square, then the Great Wall, Please! Let`s chant: tea teeth tree meat me we {Find friends} great great peach sea bee sleep be she teeth me

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