
Unit8 She wears a white and black sweater. 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:5737984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 湘少版小学英语四年级上册 Listen, read and judge(判断) Rules Say ‘Yeah, Yeah, Yeah’ if you think it is true(对). Say ‘No, No, No’ if you think it is false(错). My mum is forty-eight . I'm twenty-five years old. I like bugs(虫子). I like pugs(哈巴狗). I have a big bus. I'm twenty-five. My mum is forty-eight. I don't like bugs. I like pugs. I don't have a big bus. mum bugs pugs bus What's the same (同桌讨论,发现共同点) U u What sound does letter U make 字母U发什么音? Group work: I can play with letters (小组用字母卡随意拼一拼,读一读) 拼读游戏! c u p p u p b u g m u g d u ck t u b r u b d Rub-a-dub-dub . Hello! My name’s . Nice to meet you! Gus bus pup rub tub cup mug dub Gus邀你玩游戏: 打地鼠(大声读出单词消灭地鼠) rubs and rubs. He gets in a tub, Gus is a mouse. Oops! Oops! Oops! A bug in the tub! Try in groups. 小组大声朗读 Let's chant! three mice Rowing up a river in a tub Rub-a-dub-dub. Three mice in a tub. Rowing up a river. Rowing up up up. Try in pairs. 小组成员大声朗读 Let's chant! Rub-a-dub-dub, Three mice in a tub. Rowing up,rowing up. Rowing up a river, Rowing up a river. Rowing up,rowing up. 小组同学用《两只老虎》唱一唱 第一关:我们读你们拼: 两位同学上台,老师出示单词卡,底下同学大声读出单词,台上同学摆单词! Gus邀你参加 “一拼到底”擂台赛! 第二关:老师读小组拼: 老师读出单词,小组同学迅速摆好并出示成果! Gus邀你参加 “一拼到底”擂台赛! Dear friends, you've passed the test,(通过考验) you will get a gift(礼物). A song of “U” For you! Thank you!

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