
人教版英语八年级上 句子总结素材

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:16次 大小:188176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 1. 一些好吃的东西 something delicious 有人在等你。 Someone is waiting for you. 2. 去某个有趣的地方 go somewhere interesting 3. 好久不见。 Long time no see. 4. 许多 quite a few/ little 5. 没有。 not really 你觉得它怎么样?(2) How do you like/find/feel about it =What do you think of/about it 7. 我们给狗喂骨头。(2) We feed the dog on bones. =We feed the bones to the dog. 8. 他看起来很开心。(3) He seems happy. =He seems to be happy.=It seems that he is happy. 9. 到此为止。 Bye for now. 10.一切尝起来都很美味。 Everything tasted good. 11. 我决定拍相当多的照片。 I decided to take quite a few photos. 12. 他想要睡觉。 He feels like sleeping. 13. 他激动的上蹿下跳。 He jumped up and down in excitement. 14. 他们尽力赢得那场比赛。 They tried to win the competition. 15. 因为糟糕的天气我们没有准时到那。 We didn’t arrive there on time because of bad weather. =We didn’t arrive there on time because the weather was bad. Unit 2 1. 你多久做一次锻炼? How often do you exercise 2. 你周末通常做什么? What do you usually do on weekends 3. 他多久后回来? How soon will he be back 三天后。 In 3 days. 4. 每天喝牛奶对我们的健康 Drinking milk every day is good for our health. 有益。 5. 我和我的老师相处地很好。 I am good with my teacher. 6. 我们对那个令人惊讶的 We are surprised at the surprising news. 消息感到惊讶。 7. …… 的答案 the answer to the question 8. 使用网络放松是好的。 It’s good to relax by using the Internet. 9. 我们认为最好的放松方式是锻炼。对身心健康有益。 We think the best way to relax is through exercise. It is healthy for the mind and the body. 10. 像做运动这样的锻炼是好的。Exercise such as playing sports is fun. 11. 我花费一个小时写作业。 I spend an hour on my homework. =I spend an hour doing my homework. It takes me an hour to do my homework. 12. 20%的学生一周上网两到三次。 Twenty percent of the students surf the Internet two or three times a week. U3 1. 他赢了昨天的歌唱比赛。 He won the singing competition yesterday. 2. 他们打败了一班。 We beat Class One. 3. 最重要的是学点新东西 并且玩的开心。 The most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. 4. 他在音乐方面有天赋。 He is talented in music. 5. 我的妈妈真的关心我。 My mother truly cares about me. 6. 他总是让我笑。 He always makes me laugh. 他总是让我开心。 He always makes me happy. 7. 对我来说交朋友不容易。 It’s not easy for me to make friends. 8. 只要你努力学习你就能取得好成绩。You can get good grades as long as you work hard. 9. Larry不太勤奋。 Larry is much less hard-working. 10. 我的朋友总是帮助我显现我最好的一面。 My best friend often helps to bring out the best in me. 11. 真正的朋友是一个援手相助并触及你的心灵的人。A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 12. 我的我的朋友分享我的快乐和悲伤。I share my happiness and sadness with my friends. 13. 许多信息 much information 14. 与…..相似 be similar to 与……不同 be different from 与……一样 be the same as 比较级和最高级复习: Lily和Lucy一样大。 Lily is as old as Lucy. 2. 这本书没有 ... ...

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