

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:32次 大小:257024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022年天津市静海区小升初英语试卷(F卷) 一、听力部分(30分) 1.(10分)看图,听录音,用1~10标出朗读顺序号。 2.(5分)听录音,填写句中所缺单词。 Mum :Come here,Jack.Let's get some (1)_____and noodles. Jack:OK!How about some meat,Mum? Mum:All right.We'll get some beef,pork and chicken. Jack:Can I have some (2)_____please? Mum:Sure! Jack:Thank you,Mum! Mum:Jack,shall we get some vegetables? Jack:Yes.Can I have some(3)_____and potatoes? Mum :Certainly!And we'll also get some carrots,cucumbers,eggplants and green peppers. Jack :Mum,shall we get some(4)_____? Mum:Yeah,we'll get some apples,oranges,bananas,mangoes,pineapples and watermelons. Jack:Wow!What a(5)_____shopping trip! 3.(5分)听录音,选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或最接近的选项。 (1)_____ A.We are going to Hangzhou by ship. B.We will take a plane to Hangzhou. C.We aren't going to Hangzhou by plane. (2)_____ A.Lily's favourite sport is playing football. B.Lily can play volleyball. C.Lily' s favourite sport is playing volleyball. (3)_____ A.What's your hobby? B.How are you? C.What's your favourite subject? (4)_____ A.Ted doesn't like coffee. B.Ted doesn't drink any coffee every day. C.Ted likes coffee very much. (5)_____ A.What are you doing? B.What's your name? C.Where are you from? 4.(10分)听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的选项。 (1)Lily is from _____. A.China B.America C.England (2)Lily is going to travel around China during _____. A.the summer holidays B.the winter holidays C.the May Day (3)In the _____week,Lily is going to visit Beiing,Harbin and Xi' an. A.first B.second C.third (4)Lily is going to stay in China for _____weeks. A.one B.second C.two (5)Lily knows the _____is in Hangzhou.It's a very beautiful lake. A.Dongting Lake B.Tai Lake . C.West Lake . 二、看图,选词语。(10分) 5.(10分)看图,选词语。 (1)cross the road     A. (2)go to school by subway     B. (3)by bike     C. (4)act in drama     D. (5)go down the street     E. (6)learn from each other     F. (7)the most famous theme park     G. (8)the long jump     H. (9)the high jump     I. (10)have an English party     J. 三、单项选择。(10分) 6.(1分)_____ is the seventh month of the year.(  ) A.June B.July C.August 7.(1分)There is a near my home.We often go there to eat.(  ) A.library B.post office C.restaurant 8.(1分)Big Ben is in .(  ) A.Beijing B.London C.Washington,D.C. 9.(1分)﹣What you in your English lessons last year? ﹣We learned to speak and write in English.(  ) A.did;learn B.do;learn C.did;learned 10.(1分)He a film last Sunday.(  ) A.is going to see B.see C.saw 11.(1分)The post office is on the right of the bank.The bank is the post office.(  ) A.in front of B.on the left of C.behind 12.(1分)﹣What can I do for you?(  ) A.They're ninety yuan. B.Here you arc. C.I want a doll,please. 13.(1分)Gao Wei is going to to visit the CN Tower. ... ...

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