课件网) Point to the window! Point to the door! point to... 指,指向 Let’s read Window, window, window, point to the window! Door, door, door, point to the door! Desk, desk, desk, point to the desk! Chair, chair, chair, point to the chair! Chair, chair, chair, point to the chair! Say a chant Let’s guess Point to the desk! Point to the chair! Point to the window! Point to the door! Homework 1. 向家人展示自己模仿跟读课文的情况。 2. 为家人演唱所学歌曲。 (小学一起)一年级上册 Module 3 Umit 2 Point to the windowy 5 Co Point to Sun Wukong! Hello, Hello, I'm Sun Wukong Sun Wukong. 印