
牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others 课件(6份打包)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:100次 大小:4894937Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Getting along with others Unit 3 Extended Reading Of Friendship ◆内容分析 【What】本板块的语篇改编自英国17世纪散文家、科学家、哲学家弗朗西斯.培根的散文名篇《论友谊》。全文围绕“亲密的友情能助我们踏平时而坎坷却又注定要经过的道路”这一中心论点分三个层次开论述:首先,友谊是一种情感上的需要;其次,友谊可以增进人的智慧;再次,友谊还可帮助你完成一些自己无法做到的事情。文章最后,针对如何正确交友给出相关建议。   【Why】帮助学生领悟友谊对于人生的重要性,从而树立积极健康的友谊观。   【How】本文语篇类型为说理散文,结构清晰,论点明确。作者开篇立意友谊对于每个人来说都十分重要;接下来,分三个层面论述了“友谊之果”,即友谊的三种功效:抚慰心灵,启迪思维,帮我们实现既定目标;最后就如何交友给出忠告来收尾。文中包含大量的说理论证,逻辑性强,语言简约隽永、充满智慧,很多语句可作为名言警句来反思回味。 ◆教学目标   By the end of this section, we will be able to: 1. identify the structure of the essay; 2. summarize Bacon’s ideas on friendship; 3. explain the importance of friendship; 4. appreciate the language and understand the meaning of some beautiful sentences. Look at the title and the illustration [ l stre n] on page 39 and discuss the following questions: (1)What is the main topic of this essay It is about friendship. (2)Do you know the writer Who is he The writer of this essay is Francis [ frɑ:ns s] Bacon [ be k n], a great English writer, scientist and philosopher(哲学家) [f l s f (r)]. Of Friendship改写自弗朗西斯·培根的散文《论友谊》,该文收在《培根随笔集》中。弗朗西斯·培根是英国文艺复兴时期著名散文家、思想家、科学家、经验主义哲学家,被誉为“英国唯物主义的创始人”、“整个实验科学的真正始祖”。《培根随笔集》由五十余篇美妙而富有哲理的文章构成,书中许多发人深思语句成为指导后人思想言行的名句箴言。书的内容涉及人类生活的方方面面,语言简洁,文笔优美,说理透彻,警句迭出,几百年来深受各国读者喜爱。 Francis Bacon Francis Bacon (1561-1626 )was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist and writer. Bacon remains extremely influential [ nflu en l](有很大影响的;有支配力的) through his works. Bacon wrote on issues of law, state and religion, as well as on contemporary [k n tempr ri](当代的;现代的;同一时代的)politics; he also published texts in which he thought about possible conceptions [k n'sep nz] (理解)of society, and he discussed questions of ethics ['eθ ks](道德准则;伦理标准) in his essays. Of Friendship As we walk the “path of life”, we may sometimes wish to be alone with own thoughts(心思), for quiet periods of reflection can lead to personal improvement.   走在人生的道路上,有时我们可能希望独自思考,因为静思可以实现自我的完善。 reflection [U] 沉思;深思;审慎的思考 She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.经过审慎的思考,她决定还是接受他的提议。 A week off would give him time for reflection. 歇上一周会使他有时间考虑考虑。 lead to sth 导致,造成(后果),=result in Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。 △ However, when we seek to ... ...

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