
北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory 教案-

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:74次 大小:36126Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 Learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory 教学设计 科目:英语 课题:Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory 课时:1课时 教学目标与核心素养: 知识目标:Students can learn some new words and expressions and subject-verb agreement. 能力目标:Students can have a further understanding of the passage. 情感目标:Students can think individually and learn cooperatively. 教学重难点 教学重点:How to learn the new words and expressions and subject-verb agreement. 教学难点:How to make students have a better understanding of the passage. 课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教学过程: 一、Pre-reading 1. Greeting 2. Leading-in ACTIVATE AND SHARE 1. 教师活动:教师提问 Which of the following things do you find easy to remember Can you explain why ·names and faces ·numbers: telephone numbers, passwords, etc. ·stories ·facts and arrangements ·things that happened long ago ·things that happened recently Ask students to think and share their answers. 2. 学生活动:回答问题。 If you were going to meet a memory expert, what questions would you ask him/ her 二、While- reading READ AND EXPLORE 1. 学生活动:阅读文章,回答问题。 Read the text quickly. Does the text answer any of your questions in Activity 2 2. 学生活动:阅读文章,完成练习。 Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. ( ) 1 We remember certain events in our childhood, because we experienced many of them for the first time, and we felt strongly about them at the time. ( ) 2 When we tell a story many times, we forget important details. ( ) 3 Stephen Wiltshire has a photographic memory because he can draw a detailed picture of a city from memory after flying over it. ( ) 4 It has been proved that some people have a photographic memory. ( ) 5 The sharpest loss of memory occurs during the first five days. ( ) 6 Our memory starts to get worse in middle age. (Answers: 1 (T) 2 (F) We can remember them clearly. 3 (F) He is good at remembering particular things but does not have a photographic memory. 4 (F) No one has been proved to have a photographic memory. 5 (F) The sharpest loss of memory occurs during the very early period after learning. 6 (F) Our memory starts to get worse after the age of 25.) 3. 学生活动:Pair Work What suggestions would you provide for each of the four questions discussed Discuss with your partner. 4. 学生活动:完成练习。 Match the following suggestions with the four questions and put them back in the pare your suggestions with the expert's suggestions. A What can we learn from all this When remembering something new, try to connect it to our emotions. It is important to connect it with what we already know. Also, we can try to retell what we have learnt to a few others. B Therefore, one of the golden rules to increase how much we remember is to review the material periodically, especially during the first day after learning. This "spaced review" soon after learning helps build stronger memories and it is more effective than waiting to review everyth ... ...

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